day 1

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[a/n]: just here to clarify that i'm not a carrot ok. I'm just bored so I wrote this book. Plus, this is just for fun so please don't feel offended! also, small caps and derpy words are inteded--read on your own risk.

please enjoy vote & comment! :)

der diary,

VAZ HAPENIN?!?!11? (zain lyks 2 say dis just so you know)

so today i am so hungry lyk neil from wand direction.

i wanna eat nandos or maybe just lewis' favorite vegetable would be nice; le potatoes.

enywayz mah day of being in the wandi fandom wasn't so great cuz lyk da ppl or directionerz der r alweyz calling meh uh carrot lyk whut da fudge r dey sayin?

r dey lyk stupid?

i think dey r blind. can't dey see? i am nut uh carrot in real lyf im nut uh food if I was I wouldn't even taste good shish dey r so blind lyk lurd plz help all le BLINDZS!!1!1!!

at da meantym i was rlly happy bcuz der is diz one gurl who rlly luvs henry stilez and she called meh uh real directioner cuz i gave hur mah first wandi megezine dat cozted arund twenty buckz but I think she waz blackmailin meh.

i dont care.

i luv it.

im alzo sad cuz a lady (she looked lyk she waz in her 50z) literally punched meh in the face wen i went 2 le wandi store becuz i yelled at the mazzive (dis iz uh british word juzt so ya know) henry stilez pozter sayin, "guyzzz!! luk!! iz henry stilez from wand direction!11!!"

mah noze iz srzly bleeding ryt now but i didnt bother in fyting da old lady. omg i had becum so gud and innosent just lyk leum and atleazt i get 2 go at da wandi sture!

bEST DAY EVER!!!11!! (dey have a song titled lyk dis just so you know duhh)


an amaZAIN fabuLEWIS phenomeNEIL brilLEUM extraordinHEIRY one directioner x

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