day 2

85 9 2

der diary,

da day went rlly good so far as uh directioner

my mum iz gunna buy meh uh rlly cool wandi perfume. iz called Your Moment i thnk.

alzo i opened my tumblr blog (cuz lyk every directioners have one!!11!!) and got so shocked 2 see dat i have alot of messges. a smyl sloly crept on mah lipz. am i becoming famous or whut!?!?1!1!

i opened dem and read dem only 2 find out dey wur actully hatez. mozt of dem wur from directionerz. how rude i thought directionerz shoud lyk treat each other lyk a family?

i juzt made a blog about da boyz' factz. only i wasnt sure if dey r all tru.

enywayz i read le messagez and read one dat almost made meh cry. she sed i need 2 post tru and accurate facts about le boyzz. i was havin tears of joy bcuz i had never felt so cared by sum1 b4. i feel so spezial.

but der waz alzo diz one perzon who called meh a carrot. no w8 im lying, all of dem called me that kind of vegetable.

whit iz wrong wid dem?!

i am nut a freakin vegetable ok!!!11!!

why cant dey understand dat??

zo at le end of the day (heiry once sed dis just zo you know duhh) all i evah did was cry bcuz i just found out dat i suck at makin wandi blogz.

but i dont care

i luv it.


an obsessed wandi fan x

hey guys! i hope y'all laughed, at least :p and please VOTE and COMMENT on every chapter bc ily all muah x (:

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