day 3

63 8 2

der diary,

i hate bein in school.

basically bcuz i alweyz get bullied by mi classmates 4 bein uh directioner.

dey r just jealewis, i thnk.

bcuz i hve uh rlly kool scrapbuk titled my amazain wand direction scrapbuk consisting of neil horon, leum pine, heiry stilez, lewis tumlinsun, and zain milk.

i know diz iz uh super long title but leum's penis iz still longer okeh i heard itz lyk turdy seven inchez long. meh gusta.

if you wanna know more about mah scrapbuk it iz totelly filled wid le boyz' picturez since dey wer in le x facter 2009.

dey lookd zo perpect in fact dey are per-pect (leum sed diz in best day ever ryt)

mah scrapbuk alzo consists of wandi factz i made up.

her r uh few:

- hazza has chocolate brown curlz and i dnt knw whats hiz orb color but i heard it iz neilz fav color i thnk it iz brown.

luv it.

- neiler iz obviously irish-american and likez 2 eat carrotz. hiz son is theo. hiz real hair color iz actully black. hiz eye color iz blue-green.

luv it.

- zain iz vain. datz all i know.

luv it.

- lewis' nickname iz pooh bear. he haz green eyez and brown hair. he hatez carrotz. he luvz gurlz who eat carrotz. hiz brotherz name iz jimmy who protests alot.

luv it.

- leum pine iz le sweetest guy ull ever meet. but if u piss hiz ballz off he weil quickly transform into a hulk and kill u so u die. hiz dogz name iz batman. hiz fav superhero iz the incredible hulk.

luv it.

- larry stylinson waz actully a 6th member of le band but he l8er quit cuz of all da hatez.

h8 it.

so diz r le few factz about dem.

i alweyz read dem b4 eatin, chillin, fangurlin and sleepin cuz dey alweyz make mi cry.

"hey bitch!!!1!!" i look up 2 see mah cruzh standin in front of meh ermergerd iz he gonna kizz meh???

all of uh sudden i felt uh hard stingin pain in mah ryt cheek i vividly den relized dat he actully punched meh.

"ahhhhhhh!!! stop it!11!!" i screamd lyk i waz bein raped lyk in those fanfix.

"get ya stinky fat ass up and stupid scrapbuk outta mah plaze!!11!!" i soon found put dat i waz actully readin mah wandi scrapbuk in hiz zeat. omg mentlly fangurlin cuz YOLO.

he den pushd meh off of hiz chair makin mah cheekz go bloody red.

i gotta admit diz iz zo much better den uh simple kizz.

luv it.

i began rollin mahself str8t back 2 mah own seat.

dey see me rollin dey hatin.

but i dont care.

i luv it.


crazy wandi fan.

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