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                "Welcome to Mystic Falls" ,
      the sign read as Damon Francesco Salvatore entered his original home town. Gazing upon the Mystic Grill, The Forbes House, The Gilbert House, and Mystic Falls High School. All the memories Damon ever had of Mystic Falls as a kid were all coming back to him. After his father dying and Stefan and him being who they are life was hard trying to cover up and resist temptation in the streets. But while listening to music in the car Damon pulls into Mystic Grill to get a bite to eat before heading home to his brother. As he shuts the door to his Chevrolet Camaro SS Convertible (1969) . He walks into The Grill, and notices a familiar face, fellow witchy friend, Bonnie Bennett. She had been at The Grill to pick up food for grams for lunch that Saturday afternoon, He walked smoothly up to the bar and asked for a glass of their best Bourbon. And being a vampire as Damon is, drinking alcohol was one of the many ways to resist practically chewing off someone's neck in the streets. Although there was never a time where Damon wasn't drinking alcohol he still had the urge to drink blood. But unlike him Stefan didn't drink human blood... well i mean, at least not anymore, Stefan considered himself "vegan"basically meaning he only drank animal blood instead of humans. Damon always teased him on that though he always told Stefan how weak that made him seem knowing he only drank animal blood and not human blood. And how one day all the bunnies and deer will all retaliate and come after Stefan. But of course Stefan ignored his older brother like usual. As Damon finished his maybe 5th glass of Bourbon he had picked a couple things from the menu to bring home to Stefan. As the waitress handed him his bag he proceeded to smile at bonnie and quietly say "hey bon bon" though she couldn't hear him and didn't wanna draw attention to him or who he was she simply smiled back and went on with her day. Getting into the car Damons phone started to ring, "ugh it's Stefan calling", with the biggest sigh on his face he answered the phone to hear " Damon where are you i've been waiting for hours, the wait at The Grill is never this long", rolling his eyes towards the phone "alright Stefan i'm on my way try not to be so impatient" as Damon hung up the phone with a disgusted look on his face he continued to drive back home. Around 15 minutes had passed and he had arrived at the house. Walking up to the front door Damon Knocks Three times and then proceeds to invite himself in, "Hello brother" he exclaims as he looks Stefan in the eyes, "Guess who brought lunch, or have you been eating to many bunnies to actually stomach human food?". "Damon i didn't allow you to come live with me to listen to your sarcastic remarks" "well regardless of what you say it's good to see you again little brother". *they exchange hugs* "it feels good to be back" claimed Damon as he slammed the front door behind him and poured himself a glass of bourbon and sat on the couch next to the crackling fire. "So how's life been without your amazing witty big brother Stef ?", "Would you shut up for just 20 minutes, you just got here and your already making me regret you coming back here", "Well gee little brother what's got you all upset ?", "it's nothing Damon just leave me alone and let me eat in peace". Which is exactly what he did, Damon got up and went to his room and trying to think "what can i do to cheer up Stefan" Then it came to him ... High school, Damon Didn't expect Stefan to Actually do the work. He just hoped maybe he would find a girl, and get his mind off whatever he was so moody for. So the next day that's exactly what happened, Stefan Salvatore joined High School.

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