Going Steady

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Its 5 minutes until the bell for first period rings and Stefan had noticed Caroline walking out of the ladies room, he slowly walked over to her and stopped her in her path. "hey Caroline" "oh hey Stefan... What's up?". Stefan was nervous little beads of sweat started to form at his temples but he proceeded with the conversation he had started. "oh nothing uhh just walking to first period" "oh alright well ill get out of your way i'll see you later" as Caroline walked away Stefan grabbed her arm and spun her around "Caroline wait" Caroline looked at Stefan wondering what he'd say next but as he began to speak the bell for first period rang and Caroline ran away so she wasn't extremely late for class. Stefan wasn't going to let the school bell stop him he made sure he was gonna ask Caroline out but he couldn't think of a good time to so he wrote a note though it sounded cheesy Stefan was a good writer and always put his best emotion into his writing so he presumed his letter for Caroline.
          " Dear Caroline,
i just wanted to say that even thought i've been at school for 2 days now part of me has latched onto you and i'm not exactly sure why. Every time i see you i just get so nervous but yet so intrigued by your beauty. This morning in the hall way i wanted to ask you on a date but since i'm a better writer than i am a public speaker i figured i'd ask you now.. so Caroline Forbes will you go out on a date with me ? if you want to here if my number (---)(---)(----) text me when i should pick you up,
Love Stefan "

Stefan slipped the note into her locker and went home once the final bell rang. Stefan waited by the phone. As each second went by he got more and more anxious as if to Caroline got the note or she just simply didn't feel the same way for him. But it was only 2:15 pm Caroline had just arrived to cheer practice and she had to go to her locker to get a change of clothes and her pom poms. When she opened her locker the note had fallen out, as she crouched down to grab it she noticed the top of the note was written in Stefans hand writing. she teared open the letter and began to read it, a tear slowly flowed down her soft cheek as she immediately called Stefan. As she waited for an answer she heard a soft tender voice pick up the phone the conversation went a little something like this.
Caroline : " hey Stef it's me Caroline i just got your letter and i'd be honored to go on a date with you i'm currently at cheer practice but if you could pick me up at 6 that would be great "
Stefan : " oh wow .. of course ! ill pick you up at 6 and nothing later have fun at cheer and ill see you later "
[ call ended ]
They both ended the phone call with pure happiness on both of their faces. Caroline rushed back to practice and Stefan was rummaging around all of his clothes to find something to wear, he couldn't wear a suit because that was too formal, and he couldn't wear school clothes because well ew. and his last choice was to borrow something of Damons which was the last thing he wanted to do because that meant he had to call Damon and he was the last person he wanted to talk to today but he had no choice. Stefan called Damon and he allowed him to wear whatever he wanted from his closet as long as he washed and put it back. Damon was out probably finding "dinner" somewhere even tho he had 2 liters of soccer mom in the fridge. Damon prefers his blood at 98 Degrees he's always loved warm blood so going out and catching his own meal was what he tended to do. Though Stefan stuck to the forest animal diet he still had cravings here and there but he kept it under control. Stefan had finally gotten ready and it was about 30 minutes to 6 Stefan decided to leave early to pick up flowers on the way. He was finally getting the girl, he was finally getting his way.

authors note : hey guys sorry this is short and it took me so to write another chapter i've just been so busy but here you go , the next chapter will be about the date between stefan and caroline so stay tuned !!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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