Chapter 23 - When The Rain Got Beautiful

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Hello! I'm back with a new chapter as promised, how are you all doing today?

Today's chapter is quite 'beautiful' if I had to describe it in one word. I'll let you all read and share your though 😊❤

Make sure you COMMENT AND VOTE ~ now let's read!


Tina's POV

"Why is she texting you about me? How do you know her!?" Rohan questioned, altough he sounded angry I could tell he was hurt.

"Listen Rohan, I can't tell you." I stated, pleading him to stop asking me further questions.

"Why not? Is not like I'm gonna do anything, I just want to..." He paused, and stared at the ground - after a few seconds, he looked back up again, comprehending himself. "I just want to talk to her... It's been a long time, I wanna see how she's doing."

He painfully dragged himself back to the table and sat down slowly, I took a glance at his leg, it looked numb and badly twisted. I watched as Rohan took a deep breath and buried his face in his hands.

I felt bad for him... His life is just really messed up, I mean he's here to perform shows, but I doubt he'll even do that considering the fact he can't even walk.

I leisurely walked to the table and sat down opposite him, staring at his covered face. "So, you want to meet her?" I asked, cancelling out the silence.

"Yeah, I want to and I will." He sighed, running both of his hands which covered his face through his hair, he looked back up at me, causally resting his back onto the chair.

"Aaannnddd what will you say to her, when you do?" I enquired, don't mind me - I wasn't being nosy or anything - If he's gonna talk to her, I just want to make sure he dosen't say anything wrong.

Rohan didn't say anything for a second, I think he was just thinking. But after a few seconds he just blanky looked at me and said "I'll say Hi."

I cocked an eyebrow a chuckle escasped my mouth as I gave him a 'are you serious' look. "You got to be kidding me." I muttered under my breath, tucking my hair behind my ear.

I gazed at him and nodded my head in disaproval. "What?" He shurrged, the sides of his lips twitching up, he was trying to hide a smile.

"You can't just say hi...." I frowned at the cheeky smile that was formed on his face now. Oh no, he was planning something. I could tell. I'm smart girl.

"What are you planning Rohan?" I stare at him wide eyed. He laughed, glancing out to see the window. "Oh look!" He spoke.. "There's my car, gotta go!"

I shot my head to see his car... I think car was a understatment, It was a fucking Hummer black Limousine.

"Help me." He shot, standing up. I rolled my eyes and stood up aswell grabbing his arm I helped him walk outside.

"What are you gonna do Rohan?" I questioned, gritting my teeth.

"I'm gonna invite her for breakfast," He smirked, pushing the door with his right hand.

"And how are you gonna do that?" I asked. As soon as we got outside the cold breeze collided with my body making me shiver, miserably.

A absolute blatant guy stepped out of the car, and walked straight ahead to us. He gave Rohan a forced smile then leaned down a bit to open the door.

Before he could make any sort of move to go inside, I gripped his arm hard enough for him to notice.

"Not ignore me!" I growled,
"What?!" He replied, glancing down at me.

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