Chapter 29 - The Calm before the Storm

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Hello beautiful people! Welcome back. I know y'all been waiting so long for me to come back and start updating.
As some of you know, I had a really good vacation but now I'm back in business, and will be giving you guys early updates. 💚😊

This chapter has a POV change, so hope that dosen't annoy you's. Just chill back and relax, happily read this cause after this chapter NOTHING would be chilled and relaxed. Hehe.

Don't forget to give this chapter a VOTE and leave a COMMENT.

Enjoy 💖


Aisha's POV

"He's just so confusing..." I said, staring at the ceiling of the room, in deep thought.

"Who, Rohan?" Tina asked, from the corner of my eyes, I could see her placing her book back on the bedside table. She slipped under her blanket, on the bed.

"Yeah... well yesterday after his first concert in Paris, he arrived back to the hotel with his guards. I was working at the reception."

"Hmm..." Tina mumbled, carefully listening. "What did he do?" I could hear the switch going off her lamp.

My eyes stayed rooted to the ceiling "You see, that's the thing, he didn't do anything. He entered the gates at like 11pm, I looked at him with a smile... and I'm pretty sure he glanced at me too. But like, no smile. No nothing. Just a blank, dead facial expression. Like it's weird how he just ignored me when we went out like 3 days ago."

Tina yawned. I shuffled around the bed and glanced at her "Maybe he was just tired." She suggested, closing her eyes.

"You know what, sometimes I just feel like I could do so many things to try and get closer to Rohan. But at the end it wouldn't matter cause I still won't get to know him, that's how confusing he is. With some people you can tell what their feeling, how they wanna react, blah blah blah. With Rohan you just can't. His mind is like a surging perplexity... You get what I mean.. right?"

I turned my head to the side to see her. She fell asleep. I forgot how much of a deep sleeper Tina is. She can literally doze of anywhere in a matter of seconds.

I reached over to my table and turned the lamp light off. It was dark and I was ready to sleep before my phone buzzed.
Taking my phone in my hand, I opened it to see a text from Abhi...

- Me and Shanyana are going back to India next Monday.

My eyes widned, I opened my mouth as I wanted to say something but closed it cause I couldn't.

Me: Don't just leave like that.

Abhi: Then what do I do? You don't talk to me.

Me: Don't say that, there's alot going on Abhi. Try and understand.

Abhi: Just let me meet Rohan before I leave.

Me: You do whatever you want, I don't want to get involved in your fight.

Abhi: How can I meet him when he has guards around him 24x7?

Me: ... I don't know

Abhi: Yes you do Aisha. Yes you do.

Me: I will not let you sneak into his hotel room, if that's what your thinking.

Abhi - that was what I was exactly thinking.

Me - You know what. Talk to me tomorrow. I really need to sleep.

I switched off my phone entirely, popping it back on the bedside table. I closed my eyes, and tried to fall asleep.

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