Chapter 2: Friendship

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A Week After Styx's Arrival
Third Person POV

Styx Rafaela Jackson had settled in quite nicely. Much to her surprise. She thought she would need more time to adjust to living with other family members that weren't related to the immortal side of her life.

It felt nice. Waking up to Apollo shining his sun chariot in her face after a full night's rest. No nightmares from her time with Annabeth in Tartarus to bother her.

It was almost as if she left her other troubles when she arrived in Paris. Maybe her Papa had something to do with it.

"Oi! Get up, we need to go sightseeing with Adrien today."came Marinette's voice from outside their now shared bathroom. Marinette's voice had snapped Styx out of her stupor. "Yeah, I'll be out in a sec!"called Styx as she pulled her straight waist-length, jet-black hair into a braided bun.

Marinette truly did try with the warrior but ultimately, just like Annabeth failed in making Styx dress in a more feminine fashion. Styx had refused to wear a bloody dress. Claiming that it would hinder her long legs if she needed to kick Adrien's ass for any stupid comment he would make today.

So here she was, dressed in a pair of white skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees, white sneakers in place of her combat boots and a black tank top under a burgundy sweater that fit snugly on her figure.

If Nico saw her now, he'd laugh at her before commenting on how semi mortal she looked. She had never worn her white jeans unless she had been forced into them by either Annabeth or Piper.

"Come on Styx. You're gonna make me late!"came Marinette's voice once again. "Take a chill pill Princess!"called out Styx as she walked out of the bathroom into the light pink bedroom.

She inwardly cringed, she was never a fan of pink. No matter how light the shade but for Marinette's sake, she'd tolerate it. For now that is.

"You look so pretty and less tomboyish!"squealed Marinette as she jumped around. Styx huffed and folded her hands over her ample bosom. "Ya know, you'd get along really well with my best friend Annabeth."stated Styx as Marinette blinked.

"Are you going to call her and your mom today?"inquired the bluebell eyed girl as the medium-sea-green infused medium-blue eyed girl scoffed. "Off course I am and yes, you can talk to Annabeth. Just don't steal my best friend, Kay?"said Styx as Marinette squealed louder than before.

"So where is your Prince, Princess?"questioned Styx as the sound of the door that served as the entrance and exist to the bakery reached her extra sensitive and heightened ears. Followed by the sounds of familiar footsteps. "Never mind, he's here now."mumbled Styx as she followed a practically bouncing Marinette downstairs to the bakery.

"Adrien!"squealed Marinette as Styx took note of the person behind the younger Agreste. This person was identical to Adrien in terms of height, weight and muscular built from her keen observation. The only difference was that this person had messy blonde hair a shade or two lighter than Adrien, tanner skin and light blue eyes.

"I see that I'm forgotten once more."said the newcomer with a sullen tone although the teasing smile told you other wise. "Don't be silly Clovis. I didn't forgot about you, I merely wasn't expecting you."spoke Marinette as the guy identified as Clovis chuckled.

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