Chapter 3: Advice From The Goddess of Love

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Next day at 09:00 AM
Styx's POV

I had woken up early and taken a warm bath. My breakfast consisted of a bacon and egg sandwich with a cup of black tea that had five spoons of sugar. It was quiet, mind the sounds of people moving about in the bakery.

Never in my life had I ever had the chance of hearing the sounds of life while being perfectly still. Sure, I had traveled around America and had seen many people but not like this.

In those times, I had to consistently look over my shoulder to make sure I wasn't going to be killed from behind by a monster, titan or giant.

But now, I could bask in the morning tranquility under Apollo's radiance while eating breakfast at a slow pace and listening to the life around me.

Not sensing an enemy signature but simply listening at the piece of normality that surrounded me at this very moment.

"Are you okay Styx?"I snapped out of my thoughts as Aunt Sabine's voice echoed through the air. "Huh, yeah. Just in really deep thought."I answered, refocusing on the task at hand. "Miss home?"she asked, standing in front of me while wiping her wet hands on a clean dishcloth.

"Yeah but I'm adjusting quite well. Haven't gotten a phone call from my ex-boyfriend since yesterday so that's a good sign."I retorted after swallowing what was in my mouth by washing it down with the coffee. 'For me at least. I can't face him just yet.'I thought.

I was surprised when Theseus called yesterday. He sounded so sorry but I didn't speak. Marinette did all the talking before blocking him from my contacts and any other form of contact stating that my time in Paris was my time away from his bullshit.

However, my sensitive and heightened hearing caught the sound of Drew Tanaka trying to muffle her laughter. Giving away that Theseus was doing this to make me come back groveling at his feet only to be rejected thus painting me in the image of a weak, desperate ex-girlfriend. Something that I would not allow.

Blame my family honour if you must. I could care less.

I was raised as a warrior by my mother who was warrior just all in my family and that's how I am. Relationships be damned and doomed if all men are like him.

"Well than, you might want to hurry, you have forty-five minutes to get for your date with Clovis."added Aunt Sabine as she walked to the counter. "It's not a date!"I called out after her only to hear her and Uncle Tom's laughter.

'Is it a date to begin with? No, it can't be. We just met. Maybe I'm just over thinking this. I tend to do that when it comes to romance. I don't have much experience in that part of emotional depth. I mean Theseus and I were only dating for four months before Hera kidnapped me plus I spent most of the quest away from him and in Tartarus with Annabeth so it isn't much to learn from.'

See what I mean. I tend to over think things that are said to be simple.

Sighing, I placed my empty plate and mug in the sink and walked up to the pink nightmare my cousin called her bedroom.

Looking in the closet, I pulled out the simplest clothes I could find. In the end, I ended up dressed in a pair of red skinny jeans, black combat boots and a white tank top under a dark blue sweater that was snugly on my figure but still showed the straps of my tank top. I decided to let my hair done like always and took a pair of black gloves since it was becoming chilly.

Looking at the time on my phone, I saw it was only 09:30. Leaving my thirty minutes of free time but what to do with it.

I knew Annabeth and Nico were in school seeing as Athena and Hades forced them to attend to have a bit of normalcy in their hectic lives. Tyson was either with Ella or down in the forges of Atlantis or with Dad. Grover was probably busy with some Lord of the Wild business or with Juniper. Jason was probably busy with Piper in Camp Jupiter seeing as he and Theseus weren't on the best talking terms anymore since the breakup. Leo was probably avoiding Theseus with Calypso. Frank and Hazel were in Camp Jupiter to avoid the conflict and Theseus and Drew Tanaka all together. Reyna could care less about Theseus seeing as she hated his guts since day one.

I heard that she tried to gut him when she heard about the breakup. Nico threatened to kill Theseus while Annabeth didn't bother speaking to him anymore.

Apparently, Theseus' betrayal to me was enough to make many of them see that the Son of Zeus was just a second Hercules. Just like Zoë said all those years back. I wish I could have seen it. Maybe I could gave avoided all this heartbreak.

My thoughts must've been stronger than I imagined since my alarm for the fifteen minute mark rang. 'Fifteen minutes left. How time flies.'I thought as I looked at Marinette's designs on the wall.

She was an incredible designer and I knew that just by looking at those drawings that Aphrodite was gonna be her biggest fan and supporter.

I wish I hadn't thought of the Goddess of Love considering she decided to intrude upon my thoughts. "Penny for your thoughts Styx Rafaela?"came the goddess' voice in my head. I merely huffed and ignored her presence. Hoping that she would go away when she realised that I wasn't going to occupy her.

"No need to be so cold, Claymore. I merely wished to keep you company until your umm, date shall we say."said Aphrodite as I sighed and decided to play along.

"Why me if I can ask?"I asked. I didn't need to say what, she knew what I was talking about. Her voice was now filled with sadness and guilt. "I hadn't planned for Theseus to become a second Hercules or for Drew to come between you. It just happened but this time, you have a chance to experience love. True love. All you have to do is open your heart and than you'll know love."

"What do you mean by open my heart? I always "open my heart", don't I?"I questioned her. For once confused about my own emotions which were muddled up in my chest. "I mean that you should act less of a warrior, a Claymore if you will and open your eyes to the beauty of what's around you. After all, you're in the City of Love. Love is always found here."

"I'll find love here of all places?"I whispered, shock coursing through my veins. "I can guarantee you that you will find love here. All you have to do is open your eyes and heart. Love is front of you but you just don't know where to start."

"How do I start and no more riddles."I pleaded as laughter rang in my head. "Finding love is never easy, even for me. Finding true love is even harder. You will get your happily ever after but you have to have patience. For all good things come those who wait and listen."her voice faded from my mind.

Granting me more bearing of my surroundings. Looking at the time on my phone, I realised that I only had three minutes to get downstairs.

Grabbing a small backpack, I stuffed my camera and its extra stuff and a blanket in the bag. I barely heard Marinette call after me as I ran downstairs in such a hurry that I was a blur. I packed a small but large lunch for two since I was always prepared for anything.

'All good things come to those who wait and listen.'

Originally this chapter was going to be about Styx and Clovis sightseeing before Aphrodite entered the picture so a lot of the sightseeing elements were moved out of the way and placed in the next chapter.

Yes, Aphrodite plays a somewhat major role in this story compared to the other Olympians but not for long since she'll be observing and kind of guiding Styx on her semi quest of true love.

Also underlined italics is for when the gods communicate with demigods and others telepathically.

Started on 07/07/2017
Completed in 07/07/2017
Edited on 09/07/2017
Edited on 18/07/2017

1458 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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