Lost and Found

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This story is about a girl who is going through something very dark and very painful. She is a self-distructive and deeply unhappy, but some how hides it well from her friends. She finds someone who sets her straight and helps her get on the right path. But will he be taken away from her as soon as she feels happy again?

*this story is about something very personal to me and i would apreciate it if you have negitive hings to say, it is constructive critisism and not hate. This story is made up and only has some corrilation to real events. It contains self harm, drugs, alcohol, and has a darker content. If this is a trigger to you please stop reading this and seek guidence. This is a seirious problem people go through every single day, please don;t let it go unnoticed if you are going through this. Go to a councler or a friend. Like i said this story is mad up and hardly based of real life events that have happened.


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