Hot and Cold

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Bold- Direction

Numberjack Three was feeling unhappy in the Cosy Room. She could not find her beautiful things.

Three: I could not find my beautiful things!!! Where can they be?

Numberjack Four was hearing the moaning and groaning. He offered to help her.

Four: Concerned about Three.... What is the matter, Three?

Three: Searching the whole Cosy room... I could not find my beautiful things! I was looking for them EVERYWHERE!

Four: There are so many of them. Let me help you find them.

There comes Numberjack Five jumping in to see what was going on with Three and Four.

Three: I lost my beautiful things!! Five can you help me find them?

Five: Taking out a heavy box and opening it...Maybe it went in this box of freezing water, let me open it

Three: There they are!! They are found. Thank you Five!

Three suddenly felt a motion.

Three:'s so cold...I couldn't even hold them.

Five: Well they were in the freezing water, so it will obviously be cold.

Three: I wonder how they got in there.

There was a small laugh, turning out to be Numberjack One.

Three: Oh it was you, One.

There was an alarm. Three, Four and Five went to the Control Room to see what was going on.

Six: We got a call.

Agent Sixty Three: Agent Sixty Three speaking, there's something going wrong.

Three: But not for long.

Five: What's the matter Agent Sixty Three?

Agent Sixty Three: There's a problem at the beach.

Four: Scanning on screen...Hold on, I'm putting it on screen.

Agent Sixty Three: Everyone is wearing thick coats and jackets and it is very hot and sunny. People are feeling very hot. They try to take off their thick jackets, but they could not.

Six: That is a problem, the Numberjacks are on their way.

Agent Sixty Three: Thank you!

Six: Who is going?

Five: I think I should go, I was the one who found Three's beautiful things.

The song 'Who's going out there?' is being played.

Four: Checking the room...All clear.

There was a countdown.

Three, Four and Six: Five, Four, Three, Two One, Zero!

Four: Controlling the screen... Looking for a Five and found one.

Five was at the beach finding out the problem. A group of children could not swim as they have jackets stuck on them and noticed people were trying to make sandcastles but got big helmets on that blocks the sight.

Agent Fifty Eight calls..

Four: Not another problem...

Six: Go on then...

Agent Fifty Eight: More problems at the ice hockey stadium.

Four: Putting it on screen

In the ice hockey stadium, the hockey players were wearing casual t-shirts and swimsuits.

Three: Oh no! The players will never know which hockey team they are in.

There was a spooky laugh.

Five: I know this laugh, it's Spooky Spoon!! 

Spooky Spoon: Hahahahaha... I am going to mix all the clothes upppp.

Four plays Spooky Spoon's song.

Six: What exactly is happening?

Agent Fifty Eight comes back.

Agent Fifty Eight: Spooky is making people wear thick clothes in hot places.

Agent Seventy Four is shown.

Agent Seventy Four: And she is making people wear thin clothes in cold places.

Four: Three, we should send some Brain Gain.

Three puts on the Brain Gain. The Brain Gain song is played.

Three: Hopping..... Wear thin clothes in hot places and thick clothes in cold places. This means swimsuits and beachwear in the beach and hockey kit in the ice hockey stadium.

Three: Repeating...Swimsuits and Beachwear in the beach and ice hockey kit in the ice hockey stadium.

Five uses the Brain Gain power and everything went back to normal.

Four: Everything is back to normal, you can go back now.

Five: I can't

Agent Seventy Four calls in.

Agent Seventy Four: Spooky Spoon is mixing animals up look...

Four: Where?

Agent Fifty Eight: In the Zoo, look. 

The penguins were on grass feeling hot. The elephants were on ice feeling cold. 

Spooky Spoon: Laughing more it looks so much better.

Five: Spooky, you should stop mixing the animals up. The penguins are hot and the elephants are cold.

Three: How can we stop Spooky Spoon? Any ideas, agents?

Agent Sixty Three: Why don't we make Spooky hot and cold and she does not know how she feels.

Four: Great idea! Three, use the brain gain to make Spooky hot and cold.

Three: Jumping in the Brain Gain and repeating...Make Spooky hot and cold.

Five uses the Brain Gain power to fix everything else and she turns Spooky red and blue meaning hot and cold.

Spooky: I'm feeling hot.....I'm feeling cold.....Ahhhhhhhhh

Five comes back.

Three, Four and Six: One, Two, Three, Four, Five!

Five is back and everyone reviews what happens.

Three: Looking at beautiful things....You still look beautiful even though you were cold.

Challenge (given by Three): Can you sort things into hot and cold groups ie. food, places, clothes to wear..? Find out and call the Numberjacks. 

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