Story #2: Dead

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I woke up from what seemed like the longest sleep ever. But usually if I had the longest sleep ever it would feel amazing, but this didn't feel that way. Anyway, I get out of bed to find no one home. That's weird. I look at the clock and it says 9:30 am. I think ok that makes sense everyone went to work. I get dressed and sit on the couch and turn on the T.V. The usual news turns on. Something about a murder comes on and I start watching it but get interrupted by my darks peircing barking, as usual. I swear this dog barks at literally everything. I walk into the kitchen, when I notice something different taped onto the fridge. It's an address. Maybe that's where everyone is at, since it's a Sunday and them going to work didn't seem quite right to me. I go outside and hop on my bike and use Google Maps to take me to this place. I arrive there and see I get off my bike, park it outside, and walk into the hospital. I wonder around there and look into the rooms as they past by my vision, trying to find my family. After what seemed like forever of walking, I come to a stop and recognize some familiar faces. My parents! I run into the room. They don't seem to hear me behind them and are focused onto the hospital bed in front of them. I walk up to bed and also see a familiar face. Me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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