🌸 R4 🌸

7 1 0

record no. 4
started 13:01

Ashton: okay before anyone else says something—

Sophia: like what?

Ashton: phiaaaaa

Sophia: kidding, ash!!

Ashton: i call dibs on chapter 27, the first draft.

Dylan: that's a lotta drafts for one chapter

Luke: it's just three?

Calum: no, man. you don't understand. i think all three chapters have different content—like entirely different. that's a lot of effort for just a chapter

Michael: cal's right. anyway, ashton called dibs on it. no objections, alright?

Calum: as long as i'll be reading the second draft

Sophia: you guys? this recording is getting so boring.

Dylan: what do you want us to do, dance?

Ashton: they won't see you, dumbo

Dylan: fine then! i'm trying to suggest here

Luke: maybe we can read themca story?

Everyone: this already is a story!

Calum: please, not a story-ception

Michael: a what?

Calum: story-ception. a story within a story and—

Sophia: okayy!! let's get on with the chapter, shall we?

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