SHUT UP! I love you, okay? (Bakugo Katsuki)

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Uh so, i'm sorry to butt in when you guys are about to read. I- uh, just want to apologise in advance if I have any grammatical errors and such, i'm a really crappy writer ^^;;. Uh so, anyways- please criticise my works so I know where I should improve on >n<; thank you ^^. You guys may now proceed to reading this crappy chapter~

* (H/L) = Hair length 



Today is the day where Aizawa-sensei will announce the pairs for the End of term test.

Yup, today is that day again. You were hoping that you are paired up with someone that you are close to, just as long as it's not BAKAgo Katsuki. 'He's a pain in the ass' you thought as you sighed, feeling kinda nervous.

It's not like you hate Bakugo, you two are actually really close- you've known each for as long as you could remember, he's a pretty swell guy to be honest. But there's something wrong about him when it comes to 'co-operating', his whole appearance is wild- and so is his personality, he's all over the place when it comes to these kind of stuff! It kinda irritates you and you think it's kinda cute lol.

You weren't actually paying attention when Aizawa-sensei announced the partners for the 2nd End of term test for the 2nd semester, but then your ears perked up when you heard your name. "Okay, (L/N) will be paired with Bakugo. You guys should probably work on your co-operating skills, well- i'm mostly referring to Bakugo over there." Sensei bluntly said, you heard Bakugo yell from the other side of the room, you couldn't help but chuckle.

Others may think that he's a pain in the ass- wait no, he IS a pain in the ass.
"That little delinquent, doesn't know how to show respect to others.. tsk tsk." you muttered under your breath, "Huh? Are you muttering something related to Bakugo again?" Jiro Kyoka said, looking at you with a smug face.

"Pfft, isn't it obvious? I mean- who's the biggest asshole in Class 1-A?" You scoffed softly, Jiro just rolled her eyes in response as she continued messing with Kaminari-san. 'I swear, these two will most likely be couples in a few months or years.' You thought, you chuckled at the thought.

"I know right." you jumped at the sudden response, you looked back and saw it was Ashido Mina. "God damn it, Micchan.. You should literally STOP scaring me like that." You held your hand to your chest, feeling your heart rate racing, after a few it calms down. Ashido just chukcled, "But, what you said though, I agree." She said as she averted her eyes to Kaminari and Jiro fooling around, "Hey, (Y/N)." Micchan called, you answered her with a 'huh?' and a nod, "Are you and Bakugo-kun, idk, dating or something? You guys have been pretty 'friendly' with each other lately.." Micchan cooed

Your face suddenly heat up as you covered your face with your (H/L)* "N-no! I- uh, I mean. Pff, nah, we're not dating- we're just friends pfft. I can never imagine myself dating that asshole."You lied, lmao. Micchan didn't fully believe you, but she didn't pester you with it anymore since it was pretty obvious that you guys ARE dating.

You wish you and Katsuki are dating, but he sees you as a friend- well, that's what you thought, Kacchan never opens up to you when it comes to personal feelings even though you bribe him with something he loves. No nutcracker that can open him up though.

You guys continued talking about random stuff until your attention averted to Aizawa-sensei saying that the ETT will start next week before dismissing the class. You guys hurriedly stuffing you guys stuff inside your bags before saying goodbye.

You walked out of the classroom followed by Bakugo, you guys stood there for a moment since you started talking to Shinso Hitoshi, you guys met at the sports festival when you guys bumped in to each other at the bleachers, ever since then you guys have been blabbering non-stop about random stuff.

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