BTS and their Solo songs as Horror/Thriller/Tragedy Movies

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Begin -
where Jungkook is like a lost soul who just woke up in the middle of nowhere not knowing what happened to who killed him or what killed him. . Trapped in questions but when he got in a place of memory. Everything starts to make sense about the reason for his death but when where he is a about to begin, the more he losses more memory. Until the painting that he made, helps him restored the real happening. Turns out he killed the boy in the painting was his twin brother who is the great key role in this puzzle.

Lie -
A good church boy who grew up from a religious family. But because of getting too much physical abuse from his strict father, Jimin developed a psychological disoreder that everything he sees or feel were all just his imagination and the irony of his life. Just like when in reality he was already killing a mass of people but whats showing on his mind were people killing each other as he watched them and tried to stop them.

Stigma -
An orphan boy who has was lose his family from a fire accident. It just turns out that multiple events occurred as he grew up shows proof that this boy got a curse on him that to whoever he love or who he lives and left will going to be unfortunate or be on their tragic death. He was innocent yet but dangerous, people who messes with him will suffer hundred folds. Was nicknamed as Satan's Helper.

First Love -
A guy who grew and developed deep feelings to this girl who seems to be ignoring him. However, this girl whom he fell in love with, died after a car crash. He became so desperate to get thos girl back to life that he came to the point that he dug the body out of her grave and saved it on his basement. Promised to bring her back to life and made deals with the devil; he did brought her back, but her soul is not. She rise up from the dead but it gone worst but in the end he's still the one who still ended her life.

Mama -
Jhope which turns out to be a mama's boy who seems to be ungrateful to have a son like him since his mom wants him to be her daughter. But since Jhope was born to be a son, his mother mever loved her. Jhope did everything that jer mother wants and even kidnapped girls to offer to her mom which is like a ritualist but when Jhope starts to fall in love with this girl, her mom wants to offer his gf to her mom but Jhope declines and wants to start a new life. Jhope got a conflict with his mom until he accidentally ended her life when his mom was about to kill his gf. But what he didnt know that his girlfriend was his sister as his mom show him on the spot where's she's about to take her last breath.

Reflection -
Namjoon was a naive and shy nerd who turns out to have an evil version of him in the mirror that is old and ancient in the house that they just moved in. As NJ was staring at his reflection its starting to move by itself. At first, it was helping him but as time goes by, this evil reflection learned to get out of the mirror and destroys NJ's life by acting like him. He cant kill nor stab it since it will reflect on him. Breaking the mirror is the key for this entity to stop taking his life.

Awake -
Jin was a comatose patient who is fighting for his life. While being alone the coma life, jin has to overcome obstacles and even met heaven and hell. Both parties provided him a quest and if he loses in one of the quest the winning party will take his soul but if won all the quest he'll get back his life back. Fortunately, jin woke back in consciousness but when he woke up.. its too late for everything. So he ended up living alone.

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