Chapter Two

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They all came awake as the door slammed open. In minutes Lyric and the others were torn from their cots and marched to the laboratories. In their they were cleansed and dressed. Lyric curled her lip, how could this even be considered clothing. She was made to wear an outfit all black that clashed horribly with her skin. What was worse was the fact that it left absolutely nothing to the imagination. It was a mess of leather and thin chains and it resembled a skimpy bikini. Taking a look around she realized things could very well be worse for her. Out of the ten there were three boys all dressed in black speedo's and the other females had similar to her but some were left in what looked like a double sided loin cloth. Lyric directed her eyes to the wall in front of her. Feeling the blood within her boil. It was sick they were not prostitutes yet they were meant to be degraded. Even now the guards in front of them leered taking their filthy eyes along each of their bodies. When they got to her she barely held in the gag of revulsion. Steeling her shoulders back she followed the other nine to the make shift stage. There they all stood facing their colony and their leader, a evil harpy.
"Welcome my children," she boomed, her voice carrying out amongst the crowd.
"Today is our selection, one at a time each of you will step up and from there I will decide if you will stay or go."
Flipping open the tattered book she began.
"Drago," a cocky boy with a shit eating grin stepped forward.
" Son to matteaus and tralina, our Phoenix. Drago you will remain."
There was a cheer amongst the crowd followed by sobbing as the boys mother collapsed against him. Three more were brought forward and all were let stay. Then a girl stepped forward she was little and homely.
"Melanie, from the elf family daughter to Kelly and Marcus. Melanie you will leave."
The elf girl dropped to her knees and sobbed for all she was worth the audience was dead silent. Lyric fought to hold still even though her mind and souls screamed for her to protect the girl. Just then guards grabbed poor Melanie up dragging her off the stage but she fought, she fought hard. Just as Lyric thought they might actually let her stay there was a resounding slap. Not thinking Lyric was suddenly sprinting and leaping. Landing against the big mans back she wound her arms tight against. Fighting to keep the power locked inside her she hung on for dear life which wasn't long since the man she had latched onto was a boulder and managed to pull her off without any issues. Dragging melanie away Lyric was dragged to the front of the stage forced to stand in front of the leader. Ironically her name was elvira. Standing straight she stared the woman dead in the eye.
"Oh yes our little half breed," she hissed, her eyes practically spitting fire.
"Lyric, daughter of  Christine and Maximus."
Gritting her teeth Lyric seethed, mentally daring her to continue.
Unknowing to her death stare Elvira continued.
" due to the fact of the forbidden cross breeding there is no place for you amongst us. We tried to accept you but your violent outbursts have left us with no choice. Lyric you will leave."
Lyric felt her knees buckle but fought to remain standing. Honestly it wasn't the fact that she would be sent to her death it was the glimmer of satisfaction in her eyes and smirk the layed upon her leaders face. It was honestly the last straw. Lyric jerked from the guards hands and rushed at the woman the only thing keeping her from ripping her throat out was the chains they had encircled her ankles with before her entrance onto the stage.
"Oh my love," the leader laughed, " surely you see why we cannot accept you here. The abomination in you will never be sated."
Peeling her lip back she leaned in until their noses were practically touching.
" you call me an abomination because my parents loved each other? Yet you stand there and allow your people to be sacrificed" with each word lyric begin to shake each word coming more shrill then the last.
" you let children be sacrificed to be raped and fed on until they are dead. Yet I Am the abomination."
"I swear on my mother and fathers life that I will return and when I do I'll see that your head will be the first removed"
Elvira's eyes narrowed into tiny slits her face becoming an ugly shade of red.
"Guards see to it that lyric is awarded ten lashes before being sent out, let her be the first to die."
Grinning Lyric laughed as they dragged her away, " in the words of Alice in wonderland off with your head you fucking bitch."
An audible gasp went through the crowd a sound that made lyrics smile all the more crazy. Oh yes she would be back, and it would be soon

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