For me, every single story i read starts the same, and ends the same. It all starts with the same ' Once upon a time' and always ends with a happy ending. Most of you reading this may agree when I say that life, for most people, is definitely not a fairy tale equipped with a happy ending. However, this story is a little bit different. This story, is not one of those stories. This story does not start with a ' Once upon a time'.
This story starts off with the ocean.
The sun, in all of it hot and blazing glory, beat down hard on the Atlantic Ocean. No sounds could be heard, except for the water sloshing lazily; no real destination in sight. At first glance, one would find this scene calm. All seemed at peace. But this, is only at first glance. What makes this scene particularly interesting is not above the surface, but down, deep below the ocean. Because, you see, below the water of the Atlantic Ocean, there are man and a woman.
Now, my dear readers, you must be wondering 'What in the world would a man and a woman be doing beneath the surface of the water?'
Well, you see, everything on this Earth happens for a specific reason, though that reason may be foggy at first, it will almost certainly be clear in the future. Fates that intertwine with other's fates, and those fates intertwine with other's, creating a web of fates; that is the basis of humankind
But that's besides the point.
In order to fully explain about the man and woman that are in the ocean, I must take you back to the very beginning...
In the absolute very beginning, there was nothing but Chaos. From there, Erebus(1) and Night was created. Everything was dark and sad. From this darkness and sadness, Light and Love was born. These created Gaea, the Earth. She gave birth to Uranus who eloped with her, and gave birth to the Cyclopes, the Hecatoncheires, and the titans.Uranus was a cruel father, and all of his children were too afraid to usurp his power; all except one- Cronus- the youngest. With the lead sickle Gaea gave to him, he defeated Uranus, and took his throne. He married his sister Rhea, and she birthed him five sons. A prophecy told that Cronus would be usurped by one of his own sons. to prevent this, every time a child of his was born, he swallowed them whole. Angry with her husband's actions, Rhea secretly gave birth to her sixth baby, a boy named Zeus, hid him away, and presented Cronus with a pile of stones to swallow. aforementioned
When Zeus grew, he and his previously regurgitated siblings, defeated Cronus. However he was not killed. When he recovered, Cronus led the titans against the Zeus and his siblings in an all out war. Zeus defeated Cronus once more, and imprisoned him and the rest of the titans in Tartarus. After this war, the Gods split up the powers and responsibilities among themselves.
Zeus became the god of the sky, and the ruler of the Gods.
Poseidon became the ruler of the oceans and seas.
And Hades became the ruler of the Underworld.
'Alas, while all of this information, while good to know, is completely irrelevant to the plot of this story.' you must be thinking to yourself right now. Well, in fact, this has a lot to do with the plot. Because the next chapter focuses mainly on one of the aforementioned gods. It focuses on the creation of one of the most advanced cities/countries ever created.
The next chapter focuses on the god of the oceans, Poseidon, and the creation of Atlantis, The Lost City...
FanficMore than 10,000 years ago, Atlantis suddenly vanished of the face of the Earth. Thousands of people around the world have searched for the lost city. Now in the 21st century Atlantis has risen once again... OCx? Hetalia