Ch. Eighteen

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I eventually found the keys. They were in a dish on the counter in the kitchen.

I opened the garage door, and pulled slowly out onto the street. In the passenger seat next to me was a flat of water bottles, a bottle of ibuprofen and two chemical ice packs. 

I had just turned on to the main road when I saw Kyle sprinting down the street. I stopped the car, rolling down the window.

"I found some gas," I said. "The tank is pretty much full."

Kyle frowned and stood for a moment studying my face. "Did anything happen? I heard a shot."

"Nothing I couldn't handle. Where's the gas can?" Kyle got into the car as I asked this, carefully moving the stuff in the front seat.

Kyle pointed to an adjacent road and said, "I dropped it up there to come looking for you."

I put the car in drive, then stopped again, waiting as Kyle put the gas can in the back seat. I wheeled the car around and eased onto the accelerator, wanting to save as much of the fuel as possible.

We left the town, riding in silence, heading back toward Shane.

I could see from the corner of my eye as Kyle kept looking at me, but just ignored him. That switch was still off, and I found his concern grating to say the least. I didn't need it.

Strangely, I felt fine.

Finally it became too much and I snapped, "Christ, Kyle, what? What is it?"

Kyle was silent for a moment longer, then he said, "I don't think you're gonna get Shane killed."

I laughed, the sound cruel. "Why? Because I'll be dead before I get the chance?"

Kyle shook his head. "Because the only one who can kill Shane is Shane."

I couldn't help a grudging smile when he said that.

Kyle sighed and took off his hat, brushing a hand through his hair. He put the hat back on and said, "Shane always tells me that I'm good with numbers. Not so much with people. He's better at that than me. Always has been. He's just good at seeing what people can contribute and how to use those people in the best way possible. It's one of the reasons he became a Gunney so fast. Shane's well, he's just smart, and if he brought you, it's for a reason."

Kyle cleared his throat and blushed a little. "For a reason more than that you're pretty, I mean."

I bit my lip, keeping silent, that switch trying to flip back over to on. I knew I couldn't do that yet. Couldn't allow it. So before this got any more emotional, I said, "Let's just get this straightened out okay? I get it. I do. That first zombie tried to eat me, and then Shane ended up with a hurt ankle."

Looking over at him, I said, "It's a learning curve. You get it together quick or you get dead quicker. I don't have a problem with you doubting me. To be honest, I kind of doubt you too. But let's get one thing straight before we get back to Shane."

I tapped the brakes, stopping the car. "I would die before I did anything to hurt Shane. I know full well how freaking ridiculous that sounds, but that's what it is."

Kyle sat quietly, staring out the windshield. I didn't say anything more. I wasn't sure I had anything more to say.

I started driving again and Kyle said, voice more than a little rough, "He's all I have. That's why I was mad. He's always been the only person who was always there for me, and it scared me when that thing jumped on him. I thought I was about to lose him."

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