Jimmy Fallon T.H

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Idea Credit goes to @madi_1028

You and Tom were gonna appear on the Jimmy Fallon show, to present Spider-Man Homecoming.

"Hello everyone, if you don't know who I am. I'm Jimmy Fallon and this is the Tonight Show!" said Jimmy 

"Your all probably wonder why I have this mask on, right?" he asked as he was wearing the Spider-Man mask

"Well tonight. Is where I bring out the youngest superhero and one of my favorites as growing up. Spider-Man himself, Tom Holland and co start Y/n L/n!" 

You and Tom walked out on stage to greet Jimmy and sit down.

"Is it just me or is it that I'm fangirling over here." said Jimmy as we laughed.

"I think it's you" said Tom

"When growing up did you love Spider-Man?"

"I love it, when I was little lad. I would always go look at the mirror and say the lines from the past movies. When I was growing up and seeing the first movie. I just felt like I could relate to that character. I just love how Spider-Man is, cause he's very funny towards bad guys."

"Like me, I'm funny. Do you think I can become Spider-Man?"

"There can be only one and that's me Jimmy. Sorry."

"Can I be your sidekick?"

"That role is already taken as well."

"I'll get them next time. Y/n your character is friends withPeter, Ned, and Michelle right?"

"Well, she is more like best friends with Michelle more. But, she's sometimes around Peter and Ned. She's mostly around Michelle."

"Did you have to do any stuns?"

"Yes I did. I was there at the one moment at the elevator scene where they wanted me to hang onto dear life on top of the elevator with Tony. It just felt so real, I thought I was gonna die cause it looked real. Jon told me what Tom was gonna do and I was like okay. When Tom got a hold of me, I hanged onto him for dear life. I was saying in my head 'drop me and don't let me go'. After the scene was done, I never let go of Tom when Jon told me too."

You all started laughing.

"I would be scared too looking down the elevator shaft looking at all your friends down there. At least you were all safe."

"Oh yes, I was like thanking Tom for like saving me and all. It just felt so real!"

"I would be doing the same, I've been hearing all over social media that your fans are shipping you both together. Have you been seeing that?"

"Yeah, every time Tom and I were on Instagram. I would see him laughing and cringing to himself."

"The fans love us! They're all like. 'Omg! their totally dating', 'Their always together!', 'They were near each other on set', and 'They hugged!'." said Tom recreating the fangirls/fanboys reactions.

"I wanna know!" said Jimmy

"You really wanna know?" asked Tom


"I never actually told anyone this besides my best mates Harrison and Jacob but, I like Y/n" said Tom as your mouth dropped and Jimmy started fangirling.

"Shut up! The ship is true!"

"You like me?!" you asked

"Yes, I really do." said Tom as he was laughing and cringing to himself again.

After the show was done, Tom pulled you aside.

"Since you know that I like you,would you like to go out sometime?"

"I would love too!" You said as you kissed him on the cheek.

Tom just looked at you. In matter on seconds he kissed you on the lips. With you kissing back.

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