British Ignorance

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These pictures are just some that I picked out from a huge list on my news page on my laptop

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These pictures are just some that I picked out from a huge list on my news page on my laptop. These some in the top five stories over the last three days. Take a look at them. Don't you think that if you went without knowing this information, your life wouldn't change? Why is it so important that we know about 'Prince George's cuteness rival', or the Queen talking to a flower-eating Shetland pony'. I hope you agree that these as 'top stories' are appalling. They are blocking the real news from getting through to us, so that even when we look for news, we can't find any, as all this rubbish is shoved into our faces before we can blink.

Today, our top news stories are plastered with pictures of 'Kate Middleton's choice of dress: does it suit her', 'the celebrity's haircut' and 'the Queen!!!!!!'. These stories might appeal to a couple of people, but are they really that important? Is not knowing what the Duchess of Cambridge is wearing going to ruin your life? No. It's not. And these stories are barricading the important news, the important stuff which we need to know, the things that could maybe effect our lives, or not, but either way, they're much more important than a choice of dress for someone who doesn't even know you exist. These stories are clouding our judgement and stops important things getting through.

We as a nation, are ignorant. We refuse to see past these time-wasting stories, we refuse to look deeper for articles that matter. Instead, we stick around on the stuff that is handed to us on a plate while the real news, the real stories are being deposited straight into the bin. For example, if I told you that late last year, fourteen people were killed in an earthquake in Peru, would you know anything about it? No, because we weren't told. Because no one looks further into things to find the important things, like deaths, like disasters. We were never told, informed or vaguely notified about this because none of the victims were British. If even one of them had been, it would have been covering newspapers all over the country: 'a single British person has been killed in an earthquake in Peru, that has killed thirteen other people'. Those thirteen-other people wouldn't be mentioned, because they weren't British, but at least the story would have got out. No one knew about it because none of the people were British. Doesn't that signify just a little bit of ignorance to you? We don't care about anything, anyone, unless they are related to us.

Take the American elections for example. All over the news for days, weeks, months and probably will be for longer. That's everywhere because the United States is a big country. It's huge, and is what one would call a 'World Superpower'. They speak English. They were once a British colony. It's one of the biggest places for British immigrants to go. They're one of our closest allies. Therefore, everything that happens in America is important. Everything there, and everything here, and that's virtually all we hear of. Yes, of course we get terrorist stories from various countries like France, Egypt, Tunisia, but if we didn't hear about those, there would be an uproar. That is the type of thing the press people to know. They want people to know that British holiday-makers are being killed abroad because of terrorists, and then because we've had one story and it was popular, every other one is broadcasted too.

The Italian earthquakes. Italy is a European country. Everyone knows about Italy; most people have been to Italy. It's one of the most popular holidays destinations along with Spain, so we had to hear about the first earthquake. Then, the story became popular, so the press carried on writing articles like it.

But still, nothing other than huge disasters and news of countries close to our own are broadcasted to us.

If I were to tell you about the twelve soldiers who have been killed on the Indian-Pakistan border in an avalanche, what could you tell me about it? Nothing. It was a small story, pushed to the very back of the news so that no one had to read it. It was mainly broadcasted in Asian news. But British news? No. It 'doesn't involve one of our own, so therefore, it's unimportant'. No one wants to know about a few deaths because of a bit of heavy snowfall, but I'm saying that you should. Everyone should be bothered about it, because whether you like it or not, those deaths are happening, and they are important. But of course, the ignorance that most British people have been born into means that they don't care about things like that. No one does.

We are an ignorant nation. We don't care about most foreign affairs, and something needs to be done about it.

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