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Apologies if anyone here if from Mexico, or has connections with Mexico and is offended by anything I say here, I don't mean to offend, I'm just angry at the British right now.

Date: 20th September 2017
Topic: Today's earthquake in Mexico City

The news is supposed to inform us on happenings in the world and tell us about what has happened, where it has happened, when it happened, maybe why, maybe how, maybe who and maybe give us an update on something that has already happened, so that we may understand what is happening now as a result of something that has happened in the past. At least, that's what I expect from the news in my country.

What I don't expect, is a reporter criticising the Mexican government and economy whilst people drag children out of a destroyed primary school behind him, telling the camera that:

'it's not hard; the Mexican government should have made sure that all of their buildings were earthquake proof, or at least to some standards so that they shouldn't collapse as quickly as many have done today. Children in schools should have also been educated on how to survive an earthquake.'

Let's get one thing straight first. In every classification of the world's countries, Mexico is an under-classed. It is under the old 'Brandt Line', described as 'newly industrialising' to declare that it is starting to work life out, and is also classed as a lower economically developed country, or LEDC for short. All of these titles mean that, in general, Mexico has less money per capita and less education in general. The fact that it has less money per capita means that they can't afford to 'just make sure all of their buildings are earthquake proof', because that stupid reporter, clearly did not know what the hell he was talking about. People are trying to leave Mexico for America, because there isn't much money. If the Mexican government can barely keep residents in with their economy, what makes you think that they're going to be able to 'just earthquake proof all of their buildings'?

Earthquake proofing is expensive, and isn't anything that can 'just be done'. A lot of money is needed over a long period of time.

And now, going on to the education. TO educate children about earthquake safety, you would need to first have everyone in the country know about earthquake safety, then have the equipment and means to go about it safely so that no one would get injured, and have the buildings safe so that earthquake safety would actually work. Seeing as the Mexican economy is fairly weak, they don't have the money to make the buildings safe and educate everyone about earthquake safety.

Everything that the reporter said was a lie, and just him being stupid, and idiotic and talking without even knowing what he was saying. I can bet any of you millions that he doesn't know the first thing about Mexico, or earthquakes, or even the state of the British economy, let alone the Mexican one. He is the one that needs educating, not the MExican children, because he is just about as thick as anyone can get, and criticising an entire government right after they've just been shaken with a natural disaster, will not only make him look bad and heatless as a human being, but will probably damage the governments image of themselves, suddenly realising or thinking that they could have avoided this, and that all the lives lost are their faults.


Okay, I'm good. I just really, really needed to rant, and no one else was listening to me. Thank you so much everyone for putting up with me!!!!!!

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