Chapter Six

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The flirtatious expression Feng Ming was showing Rong Wang made his heart thump harder, distracting him from his laughter as he brought his demonstration to a halt.

The King's dark serious eyes hinted at admiration and appreciation as it lashed at Feng Ming.

Although Feng Ming was a man, he couldn't help but to blush under the inescapable gaze that held him, especially when those eyes were framed by such a powerful and handsome face.

The fact that the same set of eyes, had previously inspected every inch of his body including his most private parts, as well as the tell tale marks scattered ubiquitously across his skin, his heart started to rapidly beat.

"Feng Ming." The face before him called out.

"Ah!" by the time the Prince heard his name, the man scared him as he was practically next to him.

"What..." his injured mouth managed.

The King suddenly smacked his chest loudly, and asked in a frightening tone.

"Do you remember what my name is?"

"A-ahh..." hesitation was clear.

Seriously, that's the worst question that Feng Ming could hear from this mad man's mouth. Considering last time when he failed to provide and answer he provoked a rage which left to in his current miserable state.

Feng Ming bit his lower lip as he racked the brain cells that were still functioning to draw out an answer.

"Unn...Rong" who was he kidding?


Feng Ming cast a quick glance to see the Rong Wang's reaction.

Please God, do not make me pull out a knife to castrate myself.

As expected, he doesn't even remember my name.

Rong Wang's long narrow eyebrows knitted together in irritation.

"I'll repeat it, my name is Rong Tian," he coldly said. "If you forget again, I will punish you."

Feng Ming chanted the name as if it was of holy importance.

Rong Tian, Rong Tian...

I better not forget or this guy will go insane.

He repeated the two words in an endless loop in his mind just for good measure.

It was obvious what was ticking in the Prince's brain, and his action undoubtedly made Rong Wang satisfied.

The icy stern face broke into a warm smile.

One could describe the change with spring flowers breaking through the ice of winter.

Feng Ming's eyes were fixated, completely arrested by the smile presented to him from the evil Cao Cao. Even the devil could look this good when he grinned.

If he really was from Feng Ming's day and age he would be a complete lady killer, milking the cash flow being one hell of a gigolo.

"Feng Ming, let's have a talk." Rong Wang sat beside him, his eyes glued onto the imposter.

How should I treat this little assassin?

He was obviously an assassin, and following protocol Rong Tian should have thrown him into a filthy dungeon to be tortured. However, when one set eyes on such a lovely appearance and become infected with his rather playful personality, they would conclude how pitiful it would be to destroy him.

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