Chapter Thirteen

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Finally the matter of the Queen's birthday was behind Feng Ming, and one could consider that he had passed his first exam. His success promptly reflected the fruitful triumph of the two assiduous months he lived under the guide of the Regent King. It was a good result.

As an award to commend the young man's efforts, Rong Tian permitted Feng Ming to ride White Cloud solo for one whole day. However, this was in consideration that horse riding was also a necessary skill the 'stranger' had to study.

Come the day of the anticipated horse ride, Rong Tian feared White Cloud's unsettling temper, as the stead refused to allow anyone else but his master to mount him. As a result, the King retracted his offer and did not allow Feng Ming to even come an inch closer to the great animal. This completely shattered the young man, as he spent hours fuming and issuing Rong Tian the dirtiest look of discontent. With the turn of events, and their plan in turmoil, Rong Tian immediately shifted all official Xi Rei meetings to be undertaken two days earlier, a move to purposely allow them to have a break soon after. The Regent King made another deal promising to take Feng Ming on White Cloud for a ride outside of the Imperial Palace and indeed it was the King's ploy to regain Feng Ming's waning favor.

"Are you for real?" Feng Ming's wide eyes shining with glee was hardly concealing his delight, there was still doubt sitting in his mind so he nervously grabbed the King's collar. "We will go out of the Palace? And I get to ride on White Cloud? You'll let me ride alone?"

"I will ride beside you and watch you closely," he confirmed.

"That's great!" Feng Ming's beautiful handsome face shared the same excitement seen on a child unwrapping a present. He couldn't hold back his joy, as he tackled the king with a French-like greeting, a warm hug and quickly planted two loud kisses on the King's face.

"However..." Rong Tian interjected after the young man's elation calmed, "Tomorrow, before we leave the Palace, you must accompany me to meet someone."

Feng Ming's intuition flared, sensing some type of conspiracy spiraling around him. He asked suspiciously, "Who is it?"

"Your father, the King of Xi Rei, An Jiang."

"WHAT!?" Feng Ming exclaimed with a hint of fear in his voice.

"It was only a few days ago you came out of the blue and drag me off to meet the Queen. Now you want me to meet the King? Hey, people have something called stress and tolerance, and I'm going to hit that limit do you understand?"

Of course the Regent King could never comprehend how "stressful" it was to assume the identity of another human! Instead of providing any sympathy the man chuckled at the boy's reaction.

"Don't be afraid, the King has been deep asleep for years, as his son, you should pay him a visit him."

Just pay him a visit?

It was obvious the Original Prince would have not often visited his own parents.

Xi Rei's family system is so strange, how could the relationship between parents and children actually feel so unfamiliar, alike to strangers. Perhaps this was a downfall of the lack of "human interaction" within the Palace?

Feng Ming lifted his gaze onto the King's stern face, knowing although the man was smiling through his teeth, what came out of the man's mouth was a complete order. Even if he continued to argue, it was always pointless, worst, he could lose his privilege of riding the dazzling White Cloud outside of the palace.

His best response was to bare it and nod before uttering bitterly. "I'll go then, to come across this reincarnation of Cao Cao is my own bad luck."

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