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Camila POV

"I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby-"

Suddenly, I tear my gaze away from my notebook and my eyes lock with sight of Lauren on her bed as another guy hover above her, with barely any clothes, kissing her.

And the other guy is Bradley fucking Simpson.

Of course I know him, I hate his little perky guts.

He tries to ruin every chance I've got, and that's why Austin kicked Brad out of the group we all formed a couple of year ago.

And that's why now Brad is kissing Lauren.

My Lauren.

He's getting back at me for kicking him out of the group. Brad knew what we were doing was wrong yet he still continued to stay with us.

I soon closed my mouth at the sight and aggressively threw my book across the room, book harshly hit the wall and dropped to the floor. Numerous amount of sheet music and notes flew out of the book, I dropped my pencil from my hand.

I clenched my fist tightly as my knuckles turned white.

Lauren is mine!

"I can't lose her that's going to just ruin everything," i said throught gritted teeth, before harshly tugging at the roots of my hair.

I stare back through her window, they were laughing and he was kissing her cheeks.

Something I wish I was doing.

I couldn't think of anything to do at the moment in the time, except of just stare at her and imagine that was me doing all that stuff to her.

Me possibly inside her, as the moan of "daddy" escapes her pink soft lips.

"Fuck" I scolded myself before taking in a harsh ang angry breath.

I'm doing it again.

"What the fuck, I'm going to get in so much shit," I growled, unable to take my eyes off of her.

I did what I thought was best.

I walked toward my bed and picked up my black iphone before dialing the number and pressing the device to my ear.

"Hello Mr. Jauregui, it's Camila, your daughter is making out with a guy in her room,"


Lauren POV

"Bras stop!" I said between fits of laughter as he puts his hand up in surrender.

"I'm sorry!" He said immediately.

"You're a good kisser," I said before crossing my arms.

"Oh baby I know I am," he said making me laugh.

"You're so up yourself," I said hitting his shoulder as he placed his hand over his heart.

"Princess that really hurt," he said pouting his lip as I took a deep breath.

"Forgive me?" I questioned and attach my lips to Brad's.

"LAUREN MICHELLE JAUREGUI MORGADO!" The voice boomed as my door was pushed opnen my door, surely breaking the useless lock, and also breaking our kiss.

My dad stood there breathing in heavily eyeing done at the sight.

"Fucking shit!" I muttered, my heart pounding at my rib age.

"Who the fuck is that! Get out of my house before I beat your ass!" He snapped with his teeth clenched shut.

"Dod stop! He's my friend" I stood up angrily, luckly I was dressed and Brad just had no top on.

"Lauren I don't give a single fuck about who he is, you are doing this in my house! You are disgrace to this family Lauren!" He growled.

Brad picked his t-shrit up and put it on.

"Sir you need to clam down, I'm sure Lauren is old enough to make her own decisions," Brad stood up as I shook my head at him.

Brad you should've just kept quiet and left.

"Who are you to tell me what my daughter should do, I am her father for peep sake! Leave!"

Brad nodded and sighed before pushing past my father and ran downstairs, moments later the door was shut and the sound of his car was fading away down streets.

"Lauren you are lucky that Camila saw you guys and called me! Bless her soul, I'm sure she is the only one around here who is smart and makes good choices!"

"She was surely a prick but she did something right for once!"

"Camila!" I spat not caring about everything else my dad just said.

My blood began to boil, I shut my eyes before screaming.

I pushed past my dad and stoped angrily across to Camila's house.

"Where do you think you are going missy! I haven't finished with you!" He yelled as I blocked him out.

Walking across the sidewalk, I ended up at Camila's doorstep.

Knocking harshly, she immediately opened it and smiled.

"Never thought I would see you here," she said smirking.

"Camila how the fuck could you tell my dad, you must be fucked up in brai  to think that because now my ass is in so much shit and-" I groaned and tugged at the riits of my hair.

"You have no respect for anyone whatsover do you Camila? You say you love me and do all that stupid shit with me, which is pretty pathetic because we barely talked, yet you already love me, but you have a girlfriend for 3 years and you never had the courage to fucking tell me!"

"But me being my me, I accepted it, and I'll admit i love you too, because of how girls are these days but I just can't control my emotions anymore Camila, I'm done we are done, just keep your nose out of mine and Brad's fucking business,"

Camila's mouth was hanging open as I sighed taking a breath with what I just said to her.

I think Camila read the part of my mind that I didn't say aloud.

Because breaking the silence she pulled me inside and kissed me softly.

Not like the heavy kisses we have shared countless number of times, but somehow this one felt different.

"Oh how I've missed your sassiness Lauren," she said against my lips.

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