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"I want you, only you and I mean it Lauren," she mumbled as my heart lifted slightly.

That's what I want to hear! Didn't I? I've been wanting for these words to leave from her mouth, ever since I first laid my eyes on her.

I sat straight up, took a breath and stared down at my shaking hands, my lips trembles as I was lost in thought.

"Babe say something," she sighed, nervously might I add.

She called me babe like B.A.B.E. if I'm being compeletly honest to myself then yes I'm still in love with her but I don't trust her. I don't know if it is possible that you love someone but don't trust them.

"I-I don't know Camila," I stutter.

"I'm not sure wether I can just leap back into your arms again, how could I know that you could...place another-" I stop myself and swallow the lump in my throat.

"Another bet on me!" She rolled her eyes and stood up in front of me.

"You should just trust me Lauren, you know I won't do that again..." she yells and I look down on my lap, I don't wanna argue right now, I'm tired of everything all I wanna do was cry.

"I don't know Camila,"

"Are you insame Lauren...you should be thanking that I'm here for you right now, not like your 'so-called bestfriend' who don't even trust you but I do lauren....I trust you and love you, you should know that." she trails off as I lose my temper and shoot up.

"I know? I thought for the first time I messed around you that you wouldn't. I trusted you Camila! I gave you every piece of me, and I still wasn't good enough for you! I was an idiot to trust you with everythimg that I had, I gave you my all and to you it was just another fuck!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm just not ready for something this big again...like you come into my apartment, lying to Brad, making me lose my best friend, and then try to swoon me over again because we have a child?"

"You haven't changed at all have you, you're still the Camila that I left in your house that day, I expected you would've changed for the best, but girl I'm always wro-" my eyes widden when I realize that Camila cut me off by pressing her lips against mine.

She was awkwardly bending while one of her hand was on my cheek and the other one was on bed, for support I think.

She wasn't kissing me, I mean she was kissing me but she was not moving her lips. Her soft lips were just pressed against my lips and her eyes were closed. It wasn't like a kiss but that was relaxing.

I put my hands on her hips and closed my eyes to enjoy this little moment we were sharing. It was new for me because most of the moment I had shared with her were kinky or sassy, but right now what was happening was a something else, something peacefully.

She wipped my tears with her thumb, and I didn't even know I was crying. I tried to hold my tear back in my eyes but I can't, they were falling without my permission. I was messed up.

She pulled away while bending on her knees and took my hands on her's and placing our hands on my lap while she straightly locking our eyes.

"I'm an asshole," I nodded agreeing with her and she giggled.

"And I'm sorry for that! no no no! I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for not treating you like a princess, I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for yelling at you, I'm sorry for not give you what you deserve, I'm sorry that I lied to you and broke your heart, I'm sorry because of my stupidity you were kicked out and had to work at stupid club to earn money, I'm sorry for everyday that you had to struggle, infact I'm sorry for every day, hours, minutes, seconds, nano-seconds and mirco-nano-seconds from past 3-4 years, and I'm really really sorry for every tear that I cause you. L-Lauren what I'm asking you to g-give me last chance and I'll prove you that I mean every single word. Y-you have been taking care of Jacob alone from past 3 year and I'm s-sorry that I wasn't there for you and Jacob, I can't c-change that but atleast I can make it u-up to you. And I know you can't just trust me like t-that, I have to earn it and I promise I will a-and you won't regret it. Just give me a chance t-to prove myself, to show you that I-I love you please Lauren," she said crying. And all i wanna do was kiss her.

"Camz, you know what? There is nothing like micro-nano-seconds," I said while whipping her tears and she chuchkled.

"I just want everthing to work out between us, just give it one more try, I want you just as bad, and I'm willing to do annything, wait for as lon-"  "I understand that you wanna prove yourself to me and It's already making me to believe you tiniest bit... like 0.0000001 perecent."I said cutting her off as she shook her head while smiling.

"Awww Lour that's so sweet of ewwuuu," she said in baby voice while pulling my cheeks and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"And I promise to you that I'll change your 0.0000001 perecent to 100 perecent. But for now, it's already late and you should sleep," I nodded while she pull up the cover and waited for me to stelled down in bed and cover my body with blanket.

"Goodnight Babe,"

"Goodnight Camz," I was thinking to kiss her but she lean in and kissed my forehead.

She was about to leave my bedroom when I stopped her.


"Yes?" She said and truned to face me

"wanna stay?" I asked her while she question me back.

"Do you want me to stay?" She bit her lower lip and I nodded.

"Let me check all the doors first," I smile at her and then she went to check  the doors.

After a minute or so she came back and lay next to me. I cuddle her and she hold me tight. I adjust my head in her armpit smelling her Vanilla scent.

"Laur, it tickles," she said giggling.

"I don't care, Camz," I adjust my head again which make her laugh more.

"Okay! Love you babe," she said and kiss my head. I colsed my eyes and took a deep breath.



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