*SPECIAL* BB Facts 3

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1. During the early days of Big Bang, a random civilian met eyes with TOP, got frightened, and cried.

2. TOP likes the color pink...to be specific: Baby pink

3. Once in a while TOP writes in his diary(pink...he chose it himself). He occasionally likes writing in it under the table and ends up getting kicked by some of the other members-_-;;

4. When he was little, Seungri got beaten up by a group of girls for throwing worms at them.

5. One day Taeyang came out of the practice room alone. A male fan, having heard that Youngbae likes sunglasses had a black case with sunglasses to give to him as a present. Tae, mistaking it for a weapon, ran back inside.

6. Back in the day when Big Bang were still trainees, GD's mother was upset that he wasn't studying enough and called papa YG to make him study more. YG told GD that he would not let him debut unless his grades reached a certain score. :P

7. A fan after waiting for hours in front of their dorm, went to the nearby market to by a popsicle. While digging through the cooler, suddenly a large hand reached in beside her and grabbed three. Their eyes met and the man with a tearful face and a pout put one of the three back into the ice box. It turns out he was TOP.

8. GD's habit when drunk: giving money to strangers and doing back flips topless.

9. According to TOP he's the ugliest one in his family.

10. A fan, excited, ran toward Daesung, tripped, and scraped her knee. Surprised, Daesung ran into the dorm and got her a bandaid.

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