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" Don't make me ask that cliche question" Harry pouted. 

" What question?" Louis asked as he sat with his legs tucked under him on the lush green grass. 

They had left the magenta roofed house a while earlier. And when Heather placed a small flower crown on his fuzzy head and said " Do remember me King Louis" , he felt all his unshed tears accumulating in his throat. Unexpectedly, he had grown overly attached to all the six kids .  He thought he would get frustrated handling all of them for a week , but quite the opposite.. he understood Harry's perspective better. Not that he would want to go through all of it again but he sure would miss them bad. They reminded him of his once perfect family. 

But never once did he cry , not  when Luther came up to him and whispered " I promise I will not be a spoiled brat again if you bring those flavored ice-cream next time you come  home" and even when Macy said " This is your home as much as ours now ..look at how much all the kids adore you both...Drop in whenever you want. " with a cheerful pat on both of their backs. He didn't cry because Harry did. He felt the need to be strong for Harry. Harry had seen his meltdown and had comforted him in a way no one had. Louis wanted to be there  for him, not just for the moment, but for as long as Harry would have him. That is if things go as planned and he manages retrieve the other tea cup from Holmes Chapel in time. 

"Louis!" Harry groaned and threw mud on him. 

" Harreh! okay okay I know" Louis  laughed as he dodged another mud ball coming his way. 

" So..?" Harry dragged expectantly.

 " So..Yes love, you will have your tea"

 "You annoy me Tomlinson" Harry whined as he got up. " I am leaving..bye " 

"No!" Louis stopped him getting up himself.

 " For the supposedly cliche question :  what are we now?  I say ,We are boyfriends" Louis said looking at Harry's widened orbs.

 " Uh..If you want.I totally understand if you say other wise..I mean." Louis rambled on , sadly cut off from his monologue by soft lips. " I can't say otherwise especially when I am your first kiss"

Louis couldn't help but smile at that.

* I hope this chappie doesn't disappoint any .. Also! Who do you think made the first move? Harry ? Louis? I say it was both! Tell me what you think :) Vote and comment - Love Lou*

Quick Question :  What does grief mean to you and how do you express and tackle it?

-  with more Love - Lou

Tea Cups ( A Larry Stylinson Fan Fiction) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now