The Night Out

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After my initiation I went to lunch. Took me like 30 minutes to find the cafeteria, I walk in and I see RWBY, I also see them with the team I heard was called JNPR, with a skinny blonde, a crazy orange head, a ninja, and a red head. I decided to walk over after grabbing my food and have actual human interaction.
Ruby: Y/N that was awesome, you blasted that nevermore and the Grimm were afraid of you, how were they afraid
Me: Ruby, I wish I could tell you that, I really don't know, my guess is the amount I've killed for the 10 years
Blake: is that even possible
Me: beats me
Cardin: well if isn't the freak, even Grimm know how useless you are, they wouldn't even fight you
Me: the nevermore tried, dead now
Cardin: what are these  spines
Me: I wouldn't touch those if I were you
Cardin: why
He whacks them, cutting himself in the process
Me: *demonic voice* I've stabbed people with aids before
Cardin looked at his hand, them my spines, then fainted
Blake: do your spines really have aids on them
Me: no....scared him though
Blake: anyway, if you don't mind me asking, how was life with Merlot
Me: awful, besides one thing
Blake: which was
Me: James, that man stuck his neck out for me more than I can count, he was a drug dealer until found by Merlot to be an assistant, let me tell you, he was a better father than Merlot
Yang: Merlot is your father
Me: that's what he said anyway, anyway I'm going out for a while, don't wait up for me
Pyrrha: wait
Blake POV
Pyrrha: aw.....I was gonna ask him something
Me: don't worry, you'll see him later
Jaune: I was curious about the scars
Yang: shame he seems like a really nice guy, to go through that
Me: I'm gonna go follow him, tell Ms.Goodwitch I'm working on a project
Ruby: you got it
Y/N POV, 7 hours later
The town  looked very pretty tonight, it felt good leaving...clearing my mind of things. As I continued walking I felt as I was being followed, so I made a turn into an alley way and hid. The stalker then turned the corner and I tackled them.
Blake: Hi Y/N......nice evening isn't it
Me: were you following me
Blake: yes......I was worried
Me: why I'm fine, you saw what I can do
Blake: can we walk together, just for a little bit
Me: sure
Blake: can you tell me a little more about your self
Me: at the age of seven I saw my step father and my biological mother killed in front of my eyes, I was taken to that remote island for ten years of my life....then you came
Blake: any visitors
Me: only one, some girl in a red dress, she was sent by someone and she decided to talk with me
Blake: why is that
Me: testing me, seeing if I was fully broken
Blake: it's good to see you aren't broken
Me: I get the stubborn from my mother
As we continued walking we were stopped by 4 gang members.
GM1: stop it right there
GM2: what's this, pretty girl with a Faunus, come with us, we'll show you a great time
Blake: bug off
GM4: oooooh feisty.....I like that
GM1: you 2, get the faunus, we have the girl
One of the gang members behind me hit me with a pipe, putting me on the ground while I take the hits
Blake POV
Both these men were very well trained, they managed to put me down to the ground, one of them pulled out a knife and had it run up my body, there was no way of me getting up. I then started to feel a lot of heat coming from my left, sure enough it was Y/N
Me: please you don't have to do this
GM1: why shouldn't I
Me: he will kill you
GM2: bitch please
All of a sudden I could hear screaming, it was Y/N, he was slowly getting up, fire in this eyes like before. He grabbed the men and smashed their heads into the concrete. One of the gang members ran towards him, who was then grabbed, put on the ground and got his face planted into the ground after Y/N smashed his head. The Last guy dropped his knife and started to back away slowly. Y/N grabbed him by the throat and then unleashed a laser into the guy's face, leaving nothing but a stub where the head should be.
Y/N: Blake....we are going back to Beacon
Me: I'm all for that

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