Y/N vs Hedorah

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3rd POV
Hedorah took a look at Y/N in his Godzilla form and immediately started to attack. It jumped towards Y/N and tackled him.
Y/N thoughts: what the hell is this, whatever, just do what you do best.
Y/N then made sure he lost control of his form to make it more savage than the little sanity he had in it.
Y/N then used all of his strength to shove his hands through Hedorah, making it scream in pain
Hedorah tried pushing his way up, this made Y/N get up and smash him into the side of the mountain. Hedorah shot some ooze into Y/N's eyes, temporarily blinding him. He was unable to see anything, Hedorah used this opportunity to attack Y/N. It was shooting a laser from its eye, throwing sludge at Y/N.
Blake POV
The Bullhead landed, I was so excited to see Y/N after the week. The only one who came out was Cardin, he seemed winded
Cardin: Y/N.....big monster fight
Ozpin: what is it
Cardin: some huge monster
Me: where
Cardin: Mount Glenn, I don't know if he'll last, this thing looks pretty tough
Pyrrha: we have to go help him
Ruby: I want to see some monster action
Ozpin: alright, Team Rwby and Team Jnpr, get inside the Bullhead
Cardin: Ozpin, if it's alright I want team CRDL to help as well
Ozpin: if you wish, let's us make haste, God only knows how Y/N can hold up against.
3rd POV
Y/N finally got the sludge out of his eyes and started charging his blast. The blast then fired and collided with Hedorah's laser. The collision caused a shockwave, causing the Bullhead to lose some control.
Pilot: they are insight, I'm sorry I have to land here. I can't take you any closer without risking the engine
Team Rwby, CRDL and JNPR got out of the Bullhead to make it towards Y/N.
Blake: we have to hurry
Ruby: watch out Grimm
Y/N then roared as he grabbed Hedorah and threw it across the mountain. As he walked toward Hedorah, a rock came out of no where and hit Y/N right in the face. Y/N looked over to see a Giant Lobster.
Y/N thoughts: a giant lobster? Oh well, I'm hungry...
The giant lobster screeched as it picked up another rock.
Merlot: what the fuck is that
James: something that wants to kill your son
Y/N charged his Atomic and decimated the lobster. He looked back at Hedorah who tried to pull off a sneak attack. Y/N then pulled Hedorah off and smashed its face in. Hedorah became lifeless after 2 seconds. Y/N let out a massive roar, scaring the Grimm away from the teams. He started walking towards the giant lobster.
Blake: where is he going
Cardin: he's.....eating the lobster........
Blake: one thing doesn't change and that's his stomach. I'll get him out.
Ruby: wait.....we need to talk about where all of these monsters are coming from. They are nothing Grimm related
Blake: alright, we talk about it when we get back to Beacon.
Yang: good idea, now can we get him out of that form, I'm afraid he might try to hurt us
Blake: I'll go get him
Before Blake could take two steps Y/N turned back into his normal self.
Y/N: hey guys....good lobster
Ruby: what are you doing
Y/N: I'm starving, come on guys I can't eat this all by myself
Weiss: you've eaten half of it.
Y/N: you are correct, now let's see if I can eat it all, thanks Weiss
Blake: lord help him
RWBYJNPRCRDL: *laughter*
Y/N: does anyone have butter

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