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I advise you to not copy my work
if I see my work copied, I will take legal actions

If you see any character or event written the same in another story, it is purely coincidental

Farrah White and Tanner Braungardt are best friends since birth. They do everything together and are always there for each other. Their relationship is filled with inside jokes, memories, and insults.

Tanner says Farrah always plays safe but she thinks differently. One thing leads to another and Farrah gets drunk. Some people do stupid things but Farrah decides to write a Bucket List, a Bucket List that she has to stick to.

Join Farrah and Tanner begin their journey to check each line, one after the other.

Read as they not only get through the list, but pass their friendship.

The Bucket List

-do something illegal

-have a conversation with a random person

-get a tattoo

-jump off a cliff to water

-visit Paris, France

-kiss in the rain

Hi, my name is Jennifer and I'm the author of the book. (Obviously).

I will try to edit the book as much as I can because I know I tend to make a lot of grammar or spelling mistakes. I'm only in 9th Grade so sue me.

By the way, this isn't going to be some "straight to the point" story. I honestly don't like does kind of books where they just go right into the dating and the love.

I know, I know, my books are basically the those types of stories but I want to change my writing style. So expect like, 40ish chapters from here.

Thank you for giving this book a chance! Hope you enjoy reading and *ahem* don't be a quiet reader. :)

- xidkwhoiamx

The Bucket List - Tanner Braungardt FF - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now