Chapter 2

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"I love you," Hyde said, beginning to lean in. We were sitting at the top of the water tower and I was in a dress for some reason. I looked up at the well dressed man with a shy smile.

"I love you too." He kissed me then, softly at first, then more roughly, sliding his tongue along my lips, asking for entrance.

"Happy birthday!!!"

I woke with a start as my mother yelled happy birthday, setting a tray on my lap. "Special birthday breakfast for my baby girl. But this is all you're getting. A few presents tonight and that's it. It's too late to change your mind about that party, so if you wanted one, you'll be sorely disappointed."

"Thanks mom," I said tiredly. My parents left the room leaving me and my older sister Laurie, who arrived yesterday.

"Were you having a wet dream, baby sister?" Laurie asked with a sly grin on her face.

"What are you talking about, Laurie?"

"It must be a twin thing. Eric had a nice tent going in the other room there..."

"Eww!! Laurie!!" I exclaimed. "Just- Get out!" I yelled at her.


We were all sitting in the basement awkwardly, all nicely dressed.

"I need your kids' help with something. Donna, Steven, Micheal, Jackie, boy with the foreign accent." We all got up to help mom with whatever she needed help with. "Not you two!" She yelled at us.

After they all went up stairs, I said "Shes throwing us a party."

"Let's get outa here," Eric said and immediately went for the door. I didn't bother moving from my seat because-



"But I-"






"Fine." Eric turned back around. Closing the door behind him.

Just then, mom came back downstairs saying she needed our help with something. We follows her back up the stairs and she whisper-yelled "Shut up! They're coming!"

Real discrete, mom.

Everyone yelled surprise when we walking into the living room. I guess it was an okay party, all things considered. It was just our friends, our parents and Donna's parents. At some point after most of the presents, the adults left, Red practically dragging Kitty out the door.

"Do you really think beer is going to make your little party better?" We we're trying to convince Laurie to buy us some beer. We even offered to pay her double.

"Yes!" We all said in unison.

Laurie refused to do us one little birthday favour, preferring to drink with her "legal friends." As if she has actual friends.

Jackie and Donna went outside to talk, probably about what Donna is giving Eric. I stayed in the house with the guys, who were all asking Eric what she got him.

"Nothing yet," he said just as Jackie came in saying. That Donna wanted to see him on the porch.

After a while, we all got impatient and went into the kitchen to spy on them. "Come on, Forman" Hyde said, quietly cheering on my brother.

"No. It's his birthday. She should make the first move," Kelso commented.

"She did last time"

"What?!" We all stared at Jackie in confusion.

"Nothing. Look"

"Guys. We can here you." We all froze, slowly looking at my brother. "We can see you." We all ducked under the counter so they wouldn't see us anymore. I was bit slow to catch up, so Hyde pulled me down with him, his arm around my shoulders.

"Is he kissing her?"

"Fez. None of us can see them"

"Oh." Louder, he said "Eric, are you kissing her?"

I sighed, putting my head in my hands.

"Hey. I need to talk to you," Hyde whispered in my ear. We slowly backed away from the group, heading towards the basement.

"I can't believe I let mom talk me into wearing a dress. Ugh" I said as I sat on the couch. I watched Hyde as he went to the tv, grabbing something from behind it before saying, " I know. You look ridiculous."

"Hey. I look way better in this than you would," I told him as he sat down next to me.

"No way. I'd rock that dress."

"I'd like to see you try."

After we got our fits of laughter out, we sat in silence. It was only slightly awkward but it was probably just my imagination though.

"So anyway.. I uh.. Wanted to give you this. Happy birthday." He handed me the present he grabbed from behind the TV set.

I was shocked when I opened it. "Hyde. Your lucky Led Zeppelin shirt?" He shrugged with a half smile on his face. I just stared at him before softly saying, "thank you" and hugging him. He slowly but firmly hugged back.

Why would he give me his lucky shirt? He loves this thing...

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