Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

A/n: yeah. Forget trying to stick to the show. I'm gonna do things my way and skip a bunch of boring, uneventful stuff. Mainly to get the story moving along, but I'm also lazy. Shut up; I'm American. It's the government's fault!!

*awkward silence*

On with the story!!!

It was prom night. Apparently Kelso made out with Pam Macey behind the bleachers and Jackie found out. She was not happy. And because she broke up with him, the idiot took Pam to prom. And Hyde, being the sweetheart he secretly is, took Jackie to try to cheer her up. At least... I hope that's all it was...

This really popular guy, Darren Michaels, asked me to go with him. I mean, he's nice and hot and all, but he ditched me for Pam Macey and her breasts.

I was sitting with Jackie at an empty table feeling sorry for ourselves when Kelso came over. I watched as he got all sympathetic and apologetic to Jackie and it made me sick. I stood up ready to leave without a glance behind me.


I was sitting at the top of the water tower, bare feet dangling over the edge, heels to my right. I sat there trying not to feel bad for myself. I have a (sort of) loving family, great friends, a roof over my head.... but I just couldn't stop the tears falling down my face.

I heard what sounded like someone climbing up the ladder on the side of the tower. I quickly wiped away the wetness on my face before looking over my shoulder to see who it was.

"What are you doing here, Hyde?" I asked quietly.

"Looking for you," he sat down next to me before noticing the tears in my eyes. "What's wrong Forman?" There was so much concern in his voice, it just made the tears come faster.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"Then why are you crying?"

It's just... Nothing ever seems to go the way you want it, you know?"

"It's the government's fault, man."

"I'm serious. I'm practically failing Geometry. My sister hates me. The guy I like took someone else to prom when I was so are he was going to ask me. Life just sucks, man."

He put his arm around me, pulling me close to his side. He whispered comforting words into my hair as I slowly stopped crying, letting the tears dry.

"What are you doing here?" I quietly repeated.

"I told you. I was looking for you." He leaned back to look me in the eyes.

"Why? I thought you'd be trying to get with Pam Macey like every other guy in school." I had an oddly angry tone in my voice.

"Why would I care about Pam Macey?" I just looked at him.

"Why not? She's nice enough. Not to mention the hottest girl in school."

"That's not true." I stared at him in confusion before he continued. "You are."

"Hyde...." I breathed out.

"I love you," Hyde said, beginning to lean in. I looked up at the well dressed man with a shy smile.

"I love you too." He smiled and kissed me then, softly at first, then more roughly when I began to kiss back. He slid his tongue along my lips, asking for entrance, which I of course gave. Our tongues did a tango of sorts until we broke apart, breathless.

"Wow," I sighed. "I had no idea you felt that way..."

"What? Surprised I have feelings and emotions?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yes." I giggled before pecking him on the lips once more.

A/n: god I hate that word. Giggle. Ugh. But anyways. How is it so far? Is it good? I can't tell...

I have written like 7 chapters already and now I'm stuck. I'll try to write more before I run out of drafts to publish..

Bye bye my pretties!!!

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