"Uhh, hi!"

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Brendon woke up late, like always, messed with his hair, sloppily put on eyeliner, and threw on some clothes. As he was walking to the bus stop, his new neighbor was walking to the bus stop as well, but on the other side of the street. Brendon thought it was the perfect time to introduce himself, so he waited until Ryan was a significant ways ahead of him, then Brendon switched street sides and started catching up to Ryan. Suddenly, he felt super confident and went right up to Ryan, 

"Hi, I'm Brendon, your next door neighbor. You're Ryan, right?" Honestly, Ryan was a little startled by this boy's boldness. 

"Uhh, hi. Yeah, I'm Ryan, I'm guessing your dad told you about me? Because my dad did." Brendon felt super comfortable around the taller boy already. 

"Yup! So I'm assuming you're in tenth grade as well?" 

"You guessed it! It'd be great if you could, you know, show me around."

Yeah! Of course! Anything for the new kid." Brendon smiled and Ryan blushed, man did Brendon find that attractive. 

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