Sassy Girl|Cupcake

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C H A P T E R F O U R -

After settling our differences, we got along well. It was because we said what we really felt and he was honest to his own feelings.

Miraculously, our friendship rocketed and I grew comfortable towards him. I thought that after the talk in the park, he would leave and never return, but he's still here--with me.

"So where do you want to go?" I popped a question while we kept walking in the noisy city. My eyes focused on the streetlights, kicking my foot simultaneously.

"Dunno. You tell me you live here for like what--seventeen years?" he retorted.

"Geez," I paused, trying to find a destination. We had been visiting alot of places and I'm running out.

I remembered something and my eyes twinkle in delight. "Oooh! Let's go here," I grabbed his arms without a doubt and dragged him along as I led the way to our last destination.

"Noodles Oishi?" he glanced at me.

I nodded. "It's a pretty popular place and I've been wanting to come here, but I'm too lazy and there's a famous challenge in this place."

"I want to try their challenge, it would be a check on my bucket list," I smirked.

I jabbed my finger on his chest. "And you will pay for it if I lose."

He chuckled at me."Sure, but can you really finish the challenge?" he then adds something. "---you ate alot."

I crossed my arms then rolled my eyes at him. "Are you doubting me? My stomach is like a vacuum, it has no limitations."

I grabbed his arm. "Now let's take a seat and watch me eat."


"That thing's huge," he exclaimed, his eyes widening by the extremely large amount of serving.

I nudged his arm and winked. "That's what she said."

"Are you gonna finish that--I mean I'm sure you'll puke your intestines out," he looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"How would I know if I'm gonna finish it when I haven't even started yet?" I countered.

"In the count of one...two...thr---"


"I told you and you wouldn't listen!" he hissed whilst rubbing my back as I felt everything I've consumed went out from my stomach to my throat.

I lifted my body away from the toilet and wiped my disgusting mouth. "Can't you be a little compassionate?"

"You deserved it," he mouthed. "--I told you and you wouldn't listen, what a stubborn brat."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, even though the chances of him seeing me roll is impossible since I had my back faced on him.

"You do know this is the women's bathroom right? Why are you here anyway, people might mistaken you for a rapist--not that you aren't one," I joked.

He sighs. "Can you just let it go? I apologize already for being a jerk, don't rub it again to make yourself look better."

JanTom : SASSY GIRL |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now