Not So Happy Anniversary - Part 3

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*Niall POV*

The doctor led me to the room(Y/N) was in, and told me to sit outside before he went in. I couldn't look through because the blinds we're pulled to stop people looking in.

I've stopped crying, for now anyway.

I couldn't stop shaking, I was so scared. (Y/N) is never going to forgive me again. I guess I deserve this for treating her this wa-

I was pulled out of my trance feeling my phone buzzing in my pocket aand quickly pulled out my phone and looking at the screen. Liam was ringing me.

"H-hello?" I said onto the phone, my voice hardly coming out at all.

"Niall I saw the news! What's going on?!" Liam questioned sounding alarmed down the phone.

Suddenly the tears came back, along with more panic.

"It's all my fault Liam! She could be dead right now and it's all my fault!" I blurted, bawling my eyes out to one of my best friends.

"I take it your at the hospital?" Was all he replied. He still sounded worried.

"Yes, bu-"

"Give me twenty minutes. Stay strong Niall, I'm sure she'll be fine." He said before hanging up the phone.

Liams words were reassuring, but I forgot our anniversary. She got mad and left. If hadn't forgot, this wouldn't have happened...

I put my head in my hands again, crying softer this time, trying not to draw attention.

*twenty minutes later*

"Hey!" Liam shouted from down the corridor. I didn't even lift my head, not even when he sat down next to me, or when he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Niall mate... How did this happen?" He asked softly rubbing his hand over my shoulder.

I pulled on my hair as I felt more tears threatening my eyes. I finally lifted my head up, looking Liam in the eyes.

"It's all my-"

"Mr.Horan?" The doctor from earlier was standing at the end of the corridor, with an emotionless expression on his face.

The diagnosis. Oh god.
I want to know. But I don't.

I felt sick to my stomach as I stood up shaking, my legs were threatening to give way any second.

"Y-yes?" I croaked once I had reached him. He held a clipboard close to his chest, still not giving away any emotion.

He let out a sigh before saying

"One of (Y/N)'s kidneys is severely damaged... I'm afraid she's going to need a transplant, but we don't have any kidney donors available"

No... This can't happen...

"No..." I whispered, suddenly forgetting how to breath.

"Please... No!" I yelled and suddenly I saw Liam come running out of the corner of my eye.

"What happened?!" He questioned pulling me away from the doctor.

"Im going to have to ask the both of you to lower your voices." The doctor said calmly.

He must do stuff like this all the time... Giving people bad news... Bet he would be crying too if that was somebody he loved in there.

*Liam POV*

"Niall he's right, we need to stay quiet, okay mate? There's loads of paparazzi at the hospital doors..." I explained to Niall, trying my best to calm him down.

I have seen him crying before, but nothing like this. He looks terrible. His blonde hair is all over the place and his eyes are red and puffy, and he paler than normal...

The doctor shot me a 'thankyou' glance before heading back into (Y/N)'s ward.

"You don't understand, Liam..." Niall whispered. He sounded awful. You'd think he hasn't slept for days.

"It's all my fault. Fuck she was alone in the house while I was out getting pissed off my ass, on our fucking anniversary." He spilled.

"Then she drove off mad... You know the rest." He added, another tear falling down his cheek.

"Niall... You can't blame yourself-" I tried to comfort him but he cut me off.

"I'd so anything to change it... I'd give my life..." His voice faded off.

He stood in silence for a few moments before turning to face me. He silently wiped his tear stained cheeks before saying

"I'll be her kidney donor."

*I know this is disappointingly short, but I wanted you guys to know it's not over and I haven't forgotten. The next update will be the last one and will be up quite soon. THANKS FOR BEING PATIENT. WHILE YOU WAIT FOR THIS UPDATE GO READ MY FANFICTION! It's Better than these silly stories;)*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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