Chapter Two-Wait...A Date?

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"Okay Orion, tell us more about your mystery boy." Carrie kept asking. She wouldn't shut up about it until I gave my full opinion about it, but David saved me on this one. "I much rather not have her talk about her 'mystery boy'." he mimicked Carries high pitched voice.

Carrie frowned and kept going. "Orion, come on, you know this is fate? We literally talked about this yesterday and it all happened yesterday! Give it a shot girl!" I flashed my eyes toward Scott's table where he sits alone and fierce. No one wants to sit by him or be his friend because of his dangerous actions, inside and outside school. Yeah, there can be tougher kids in school than him, but they'd rather not mess with him either.

I quickly blush and turn my head when he flickers his eyes toward me, noticing I had be looking at him...yet again. I couldn't help but look at him once more to see that he has his head down, smirking at his tray. This boy has me wondering. And I feel like Bella Swan from Twilight right now.

In art class the teacher, Mrs. Kettle had been teaching us about the fine knowledge of painting a story. I had been looking around the room and day dreaming as always. When I looked to the back I saw him, Scott Hedges was in my class? I had never seen him, neither recognized him? Not even when the teacher called his name. Did he just transfer here or had I never cared for him till' now? This is all just a big mystery.

"Mr. Hedges, I presume you'd like to show the class what you are doodling back there?" Mrs. Kettle stresses. He sighs and stands up full and proud. Everyone glares at him to see what the bad boy and drawn. And it was nothing anyone had imagined. It was me...

I gulped and looked at the beautiful, pencil, drawing in his two hands and question, is he trying to tell me something? I have to know now, I think he really does like me.

The picture was of me at the side of the classroom, day dreaming. The figure of me had her hand under her chin that was resting on the table. My dark hair flowing down like a river perfectly, My back straightened and face brilliantly grinning, looking down. And with the brightest green color, my eyes were the only thing that was colored in the picture. My amazing green eyes. He must be attracted to them.

Everyone turns their attention to me. A tomato faced girl with brilliant, green eyes. The picture looked just like me. I open my mouth a little and gasp for air. "Thank you Mr. Hedges, it is a true beauty. Now class open you books to page 34."

I kept looking at him, not caring about the world around me, he smirked at me with open, hazel brown eyes. We were somehow talking to each other with the glares. It seemed to be the easiest way to communicate with each other. But eventually I turned around when he grabbed another page and started 'doodling' on it.

The bell rang and I grabbed all my things and started to walk out quickly and quietly. If Carrie or the others were to find out about this, it would be a topic of none stop. I was stopped by a hand gently turning me around. It of course was Scott Hedges, my 'mystery boy'.

"Hey, um Orion can I talk to you?" he asked all soft. My arm was so warm by his touch that it made me flinch a bit. "Uh yeah, sure." I say. "About back there, I really can't hold it anymore but, I like you, a lot." He stopped there and I had opened my mouth in surprise. Why was he being all soft and sweet about it? Wouldn't he normally just hit on a girl and date them instantly. Then break their hearts like it was nothing? "Oh, um thank you." I hesitate. I have no idea what to say. And I didn't want to admit anything that wasn't true.

"Okay," he put his hands in his back pocket and said, "well, do you mind me...asking if you wanna, you know-" I smile and tell him, "Sunday is fine. I like movies." He smiles back and ends it with a "Yeah, yeah thanks. See you Sunday. four o'clockish?" He asks. "Four o'clockish." I giggle. He walks away smiling and knotting and I think, wait...did I just say yes to a date?


"Come on Ari. It's Friday, what do you want to do?" I say to my little sister who was jumping around after school. "I want to play on the bouncy castle!" Ari screeches.

She smiles and runs around the front yard as I blow up the huge bouncy castle with the big blower. The sun is shining bright and when I open the door to the humongous house, Ari goes jumping inside and I follow after her. After an hour of jumping, flips and summersaults, we finally just laid there and talked.

"So Ari, any boys you like, or boys that like you that I need to talk to?" I joke. She giggles and I turn around and face her, "What?" "Oh nothing, what about you Orion?" I blush because she's got me and I can't not tell my little sister about my first date.

"Well to be honest, Ari, I have a date this Sunday!" She smiles and we both get up laughing and jumping, holding hands. I couldn't possibly ask for a better sister who doesn't ask too many questions or protest. I love her.


"Hey Mom, Dad, I just wanted to tell you that I am going to hang out with a friend on Sunday at the movies." I tell my parents. "Friend? Which friend is this?" my father catches me. "Okay, okay. A guy...who asked me out on a date." "A DATE? OH MY GOODNESS ORION WITH WHO?" my mother screams excitedly as my father chokes on his afternoon coffee. I pat his back and answer, "Mom please, it's a boy named Scott, Scott Hedges. You've never heard of him I think." I quickly say.

"Oh and is this Scott a cutie?" my mother insists on asking. "Mom I just met him." I say. "Yeah and I don't like the fact of her dating yet." my father adds. "Oh Jim come on she's 18 for crying out loud! She can drive. I'm sure she can be able to date." my mother protests.

"Guys calm down, I just wanted to tell you for now. And since I don't have a car yet," I frown at my dad who doesn't want me to drive yet, "I'm going to need a ride to the movies at four o'clock. Okay?"

"Oh alright sweetie. I just don't want you to grow up." We all go for a group hug as my father starts crying. He was always an emotional wreck. But he needs to let me grow up and do things. I am able to vote.


I got a call from my friends at around 11 to hear them screeching and yelling about what had happened at school. Someone had told them about the date. The rest of the night was full of laughter and joking and mostly screaming and getting in trouble.

What I want to know myself, is am I starting to like this boy? Or am I in denial?

Hallo to anyone that is reading this, I just wanted to say I hope you like this story so far and it will get better because I know this one had a boring ending so don't worry and next chapter is coming soon! Thank you..... until next time.

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