Author's Note

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Hi! Thank you so much for clicking on my story and giving it a chance.


Just two things before we begin.

1.No copying, rewriting, reproducing, republishing, reformatting or redistributing of this story by any means whatsoever, manually or electronically.
2. This story is pure fiction. Characters, names, incidents, places, events, time etc is a product of the author's imagination and anything dead or living similar to what is in this book is strictly and purely coincidental.



A world of spells and magic, sorcerers and sorceress, wizards and witches, Gods and Goddesses, past and future, time and the present.

The past affects the future, time is never enough, the prophecies are a must and the world will become dangerous.


All rights reserved

In Between Both Worlds

Copyright 2018 ©


Happy Reading 😉

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