How You Met

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  Zhou Tai: You met Zhou Tai when you met the Wu army at the gate where Zhou Tai was injured with massive cuts covering his body, you had the attendants take him to the medical tent where you cleaned up his cuts for him. You found out that Zhou Tai used his own body as a shield for Sun Quan when they were attacked by bandits thus causing all the cuts. He woke up later and you stood over him "how do you feel?" Zhou Tai looked at you "I'm fine thank you" You smiled at him and went to walk away "your name?" he asked, "it's Y/N, rest up and I'll check up on you later"  

Lu Meng: You were in the library studying scrolls and books trying to gain as much knowledge about war strategies to help out the Wu Army until a guy 5'11" with brown hair in a ponytail came up and reached for a scroll that you were going for "sorry miss, I didn't see you there" said the man, you chuckled "it's OK, my name is Y/N" and stuck out her hand, the guy shook it back "my name is Lu Meng, tell me why are you looking at strategy scrolls?" You looked to the ground " I want to help out the army when I go into battle" Lu Meng put his hand under your chin and you looked up to him "then allow me to help."

Zhao Yun: You were happy living in your home when you heard that the Wei Kingdom was coming and so Liu Bei decided to save his people by leading them out of their homes. When the Wei Army appeared, Liu Bei along with Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun along with others went to stall Cao Cao's army and you were always wanting to join in the war so when you saw Zhao Yun surrounded by enemies with a baby in his arms, you went to help him and when you got through to him, he handed the baby to you before getting on his horse and picking you up to ride with him. When you caught up with the people on the boats, Zhao Yun turned to you "Thanks for your help, tell me what is your name?" You start blushing "My name is Y/N" Zhao Yun grabs your hand and leads you to the front of the boat where you were heading to a new place.

Jiang Wei: You were busy helping out the Shu leadership in discussing plans to attack the Wei kingdom when a messenger comes in saying that a wounded officer has come to the gate and asked for shelter. Liu Bei sent you with the messenger to the tent where the injured officer was, and when you got there you recognized him as Jiang Wei, an officer for Wei. You dismissed the others so you can help him "why is a Wei officer here?" You asked him, he turned towards you "because I discovered a coup against Cao Cao and when I discovered it, the conspirators put the blame on me and I left injured. I figured Liu Bei is benevolent and will take pity on me, will you help?" You looked at him and nodded "by the way I'm Y/N"

Xiahou Dun: You were walking along with the other captives thinking to yourself how did you get yourself in this situation. You were busy doing laundry in your village when you heard a yell that the Wei army is coming, so you packed up what you needed and started helping others when the soldiers came. You were seeing your neighbors scatter and while the men were dying, the women were being caught. You decided to fight so you saw a general with an eye-patch cutting down left and right. You go running up to block his attack. Then he looked down to see a woman attacking him and became intrigued to the point that he just knocked you out. You snap out of your daze when he comes riding up next to you "what's your name peasant?" You glared at him "Y/N and you?" He smirked "Xiahou Dun." 

Guo Jia: You were busy playing with your magic in the woods because you didn't like being around people who feared you for your magic. So you left the village and found solitude in the forest where you became a healer, helping those who need it and avoiding war. One day you were meditating when a young man with blonde hair and brown eyes was coming up the trail by himself. You go out and introduce yourself "hello traveler, my name is Y/N and I am a healer, who are you?" The young man smiled "my name is Guo Jia, adviser to Cao Cao, just taking a break and I also do magic, just like you." You smiled because you've never knew there were others like you.

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