How he asks you out

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Zhou Tai- He stops by the medical wing everyday so you can continue healing his scars, he comes out and asks you to go on a date with him, you say yes.

Lu Meng- During your tutoring sessions, he slips you a piece of parchment that has the question would you go out with me? You nod your head yes.

Zhao Yun- You are busy helping Liu Bei's people who followed him, when a little boy comes running up with a paper. You read it and it was from Zhao Yun, asking you to be with him that night, you write the answer down and gave it back to the boy to give to him.

Jiang Wei- You are busy walking around with Zhuge Liang discussing strategies when Jiang Wei comes up to you guys. You start talking to him and Zhuge Liang said " just ask her out already" and left the two of you alone. Jiang Wei was embarrassed but you agreed.

Xiahou Dun- You are busy working with the other women as maids and slaves in Cao Cao's castle, serving the officers. One day you were assigned to Xiahou Dun who you were slowly beginning to like due to him treating you with respect, pulls you into his room and asks you out, in private of course, you bit your lip before agreeing.

Guo Jia- Guo Jia saw you practicing magic in the training room when he decides to use a dove to ask you out. You see the dove and take the note that was tied to his leg which sparkled with magic into will you be my date tonight. You smiled before looking over to where he was, saying yes.

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