Lu Meng Date

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Sorry it has taken me so long to update, I got a new job and I have been busy working, but enjoy.

Y/N was busy tidying up the library where the scrolls and war papers are kept, she was enjoying her job until she felt a presence behind her, it was Lu Meng. "Ni Hao Lu Meng" she said, "hello, I have a special date planned for us if you would like to go now" he said, "I'd love to just give me a minute to finish this" she said as she was busy putting the last scroll up on the top shelf, "OK, i'm ready" she said as she follwoed Lu Meng to the top of the wall of the castle where tey are staying at, she sees a blanket with candlelight and food spread out, "I thought you would like to watch the stars with me, it is a beautiful night for them" he said, "I couldn't agree more" she responded before sitting down on the blanket beside him.

Lu Meng is looking at her because she is fascinated with the stars, "do you know that stars can be read like a map?" he asked, "no, I didn't" she said, "well, I've discovered that the NOrth star which is right there" he said pointing to show her, "always stays in place adn never moves, so if you are ever lost, just look for the north star and you'll get your bearings back" he said, "you seem to know alot about stars" she said, "well, I may have had help from someone for this date. I also want this to be the first I love you" he said, "well, I lveo you too" she said as they  leaned in for a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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