Zhou Tai Date

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 You were cleaning up in the medical wing when Zhou Tai comes in with a nurse "Y/N, she will finish cleaning, let's go" and grabs your hand pulling you out, "Zhou Tai, I need to get ready, I can't go looking like this." He just chuckled "you look fine to me" and helps you onto a horse before getting on his "let's go", and with that you guys head off.  After riding for a while you come to a small meadow with a waterfall cascading down the rocks creating a beautiful atmosphere. Zhou Tai helps you off your horse and sets out a picnic, you smile "this is not like you Zhou Tai, what made you changed doing this?" He looks at you, deeply into your eyes "you changed me, with your kindness and beauty, you even got me to speak longer than a few words, I love you for that", and with that he leans in towards you to give you a kiss which you accept and ti blossoms into something more.

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