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The bland drone of the midday news echoed quietly in your conscious as you watched the pure white snow fall like little angels descending from heaven. The cold weather almost blanketed the sorrowful tone your town radiated. A week ago, the omnics had targeted and attacked your town, leaving almost everything you had grown up with in shambles. And even though the attack was a week ago, nothing had reverted to usual. No children played or birds sung.

It was just dead silent.

Occasionally, the loud whirl of a large aircraft landing disturbed the melancholy serenity of the devastated town. The craft carried Overwatch operatives, who you assumed were given the task of protecting your town for the next few weeks, afterall, Overwatch was the one fighting the omnic war. You glanced at the coffee cup beside you, it was full to almost the brim yet it had gone cold and sour, making you whine at even the thought of drinking it. Staring lazily out the window once again, you began to slowly drift to sleep.
The screams of agony and terror mixed together to form one heart shattering sound, the noise of bullets whizzing by and fire crackling erupted as the large army of omnics invaded your town, killing anything in their path. A sudden spur of extreme pain shot through right arm and another through your wrist. You'd been shot. The blood poured from each deep bullet wound, rendering your entire right arm numb and completely useless. You attempted to move your arm ever so gently but the immense pain jolted you like an electric shock. You let you a deafening scream at the pain. The pain begun to dwindle and the world went black as you faded back into reality. Your eyes danced around the room, trying to pull yourself back into the conscious world. It was just a dream or better said, a nightmarish flashback. You glanced at you right arm as shivers ran down your spine. You gently peeled back the sleeved of your jacket and the glove that you wore, revealing only a completely metal arm. Your eyes begun to water and tears started to fall as you stared aimlessly at your new arm. The damage that arm had received was far too extensive and completely irreversible, put simply, it was either no arm or a mechanical one. All you remembered was a tall, angelic woman carrying you away into a pristine medical centre and then, you were out cold.
You clenched the mechanical fist. The movement was so realistic and life-like yet so obviously artificial. A knock sounded at the door, commanding your attention. You immediately shot up and proceeded to the door in military fashion. The door opened to reveal three stern looking Overwatch agents. "Good Evening, ma'am. I'm Strike Commander Jack Morrison, we would just like to ask a few questions about the omnic attack. Do you mind?" Asked the tall, pale-skinned blonde man.
"N-No, of course not. Come in," you choked, trying not to sound too meek or shy. The commander stepped into your home, followed by a tanned-skinned man with dark brown eyes and then a familiar, blonde woman. The lady gave you a warm smile that disguised a small, sympathetic frown. You nervously motioned to empty seats at your dining table, allowing them to take seat. "Alright ma'am, may we ask your name?" Asked Jack Morrison as he preemptively pushed a pen to his clipboard.
"I'm Y/N," you replied softly, looking down at your lap as you did so. The commander quickly jotted down your name at the top of his paper and smiled reassuringly.
"Alright you two, introduce yourselves," he instructed as he glanced to the other two agents. The woman leant forward and gently extended her hand to reach for your mechanical one. "My name is Angela Ziegler or Mercy, whatever you'd prefer," she mused in a sweet Swiss accent, "I was the one who replaced your arm." You felt a little pang of anger at her but you couldn't stay mad, after all, she took your wounded self upon her without hesitation or question. She glanced to the dark eyed man who sat next to her and gave him a nudge to encourage his introduction. "The name's Reyes, Gabriel Reyes," he grumbled in a mysterious, alluring voice. Following Mercy's action, he extended his hand to meet yours. He hesitated briefly as he studied your metal arm, yet, he proceeded you shake your hand anyway.
"Thank you both. Moving on, are you ready to answer a few questions?" Asked Jack Morrison as he seemed to go from looking at his clipboard to studying you.
"Yes sir," you replied with a forced, nervous smile. He nodded as he dropped the pen onto the clipboard and pushed it toward you. "Just write down anything you can remember," he instructed as he leant back into his seat. You scanned the questions but looked back up at the man. "I'm sorry, sir. I don't remember anything. All I know is that I was... shot," you choked as you felt small tears welling in your sore eyes.
"It's alright, don't force yourself. We understand," whispered Morrison in a reassuring and sympathetic voice. You swallowed the hefty lump in your throat that formed as you tried to remember something, anything, from the attack.
"Alright ma'am, Ms. Ziegler and I need to have a quick word. I'll leave you with Reyes for the time being," Stated Jack Morrison as he motioned for Mercy to follow him outside for a moment. An awkward silence filled the room as you mindlessly glanced around the room, trying to look busy in front of the stranger. "So... Mechanical arm, eh?" He grinned, trying to break the ice.
"Mhm... I'm not a fan of it," you replied as you brought your eyes to focus on him now that you had an excuse to. He let out a deep chuckle as he took great joy in your comment. "Seriously? You think that's bad? I'm assuming you haven't met Genji then," he grinned. You shook your head in reply. How could anything be worse than you had it?
Reyes guided his hand into his back pocket and grabbed his wallet, then proceeding to take out a small photo. "Genji was near death when Mercy found him. About seventy-five percent of his body is now cybernetic. Basically, he's a cyborg ninja," he laughed even though the topic was rather serious.
"H-Heh... I guess I've got it good then," you replied with a sideward smile as you begun to aimlessly and awkwardly scan the room again. He let out another chuckle as his eyes rested on you, "Not much of talker, eh?"
Although you felt a little offended by his remark, it still managed to muster a little giggle out of you. "H-Ha.. Not really," You answered awhile your eyes started to focus in on his features.
Small white scars scattered across his face in random directs that seemed to highlight the rugged aesthetic of his handsome face. His dark brown eyes and scruffy facial hair made him appear mysterious and dangerous yet, sort of light-hearted.
Your door opened again as Angela and Jack walked in, seemingly irritated and upset. The commander grumbled as he shot a glare at the woman, shaking his head disapprovingly. "You can't keep doing this to people, Angela.. It's not humane," he sighed. Angela just shook her head and rolled her eyes.
"Anyway, sorry for wasting your time Miss. We'll be on our way," Announced Jack Morrison, giving you a small shrug. The three Overwatch members stood, each giving you a wave as they exited your door. All except Angela.
She quickly leant over to you and placed a small card in front of you as she gently placed her hand on your shoulder. "Hey.. If you ever need to talk, Overwatch occasionally runs group therapy sessions for people who've been affected by war, like you," She whispered. You gave a soft smile as you leant in to hug the woman who had helped you.
You both pulled away from the embrace and she turned to exit your house. As they left, you felt a pang of loneliness strike you. Even though you knew not a single one of those people you just spoke to, they were kind enough to have made you feel something.
And even though that 'something' felt insignificant and worthless when compared the heavy sadness that your carried... It was still something, right?
Hey there. So I'm writing a new story. (If you're a fan of 'What Can I Say?', don't worry because I will still be continuing that story. This one, however, will have longer chapters and much higher value of content. So, yeah. Enjoy. Thank you!
- Ally

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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Fix You [Reaper x Reader] Gabriel ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now