Part 18

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Part 18

It was after two days of Arnav's apology to Khushi.. She had already informed about Arnav's apology to Garima and Payal even Akash too.. She din't find Aryan these two days as he was down with cold....

One fine evening, Akash entered Gupta house to discuss something about a project with Khushi.. Aryan followed Akash and found him going into GH, so followed him there..

Khushi and Akash were sitting in the hall working on their laptops when Aryan saw them..

Hearing his giggling sound, both of them looked up and saw Aryan.. He was standing with a ball in his hand smiling at them.. Both of them smiled at him.. He came near to them.

He stood beside Akash and peeped into his laptop.. He sat beside them for sometime looking around the house.. He then roamed around the house examining it.. He opened the refrigerator and saw something..

Aryan then came near Khushi.. He held her hand and pulled her calling " Maa.. Come"

" Aryan.. Where ??"asked Khushi but he kept on pulling her hand.. So, Khushi followed with him.. He took her refrigerator.. He opened it and indicated towards something..

" You want cake ??"asked Khushi... Aryan nodded his head.. Khushi smiled to him and gave him the cake...

He sat silently beside them eating the cake while they both were working eyeing him in between..

That is when Garima and Payal who went to temple returned back.. Garima saw Aryan but din't said anything but Payal was glaring at khushi..

" What ??"asked Khushi..

" You gave my cake to Aryan.. I brought it to eat after returning from temple but you gave to him" said Payal in an accusing tone..

Khushi rolled off her eyes.. She thought Payal may be angry for allowing Aryan into house but here she is concerned about the cake.. She is one of the impossible kid..

Hearing Payal's words, Aryan forwarded the cake towards Payal..

" I don't want it" said Payal irritated.. Aryan's face fell seeing her irritation..

Khushi, Akash and Garima felt bad seeing it..

Garima glared at Payal angrily..

" Aryan.. Eat it.." said Khushi giving the cake.. Aryan pointed his fingers towards Payal's direction..

" No aunty won't say anything... you eat it" said Khushi and fed him the cake..

" Is this the way to talk with the kid Payal ?? I don't understand your antics.. Still behaves like a child" Garima said angrily.. Payal went from there feeling bad.. She din't mean to hurt to little boy but it happened unintentionally.

Aryan still sat for sometime.. Garima gave Prashad to the trio..

" Thank you" said Aryan cutely to which Garima and Khushi looked surprised for his manners...Aryan played some more time in GH when they heard Arnav's voice calling out for him in the garden..

Akash took Aryan and went into the garden.. Arnav sighed in relief looking him.. Akash gave Aryan to Arnav.. He thanked Akash and took him inside the house..

Next morning:

Aryan woke up early and din't let his father sleep too.. So, even Arnav too has to got up early... He bathed Aryan and brought him down.. No one din't get up until now except his mother.. He saw HP coming with milk..

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