Part 27
" But Papa..." Arnav hesitated.
" Don't worry. I will talk with your papa. Even then if he won't agree, Shashi Bhai is there he will definitely make your papa agree" said Ratna..
" Ok.. Now eat" said Arnav and took the food plate from Khushi..
Arnav fed Ratna a morsel while Ratna too did the same.. Ratna took another morsel and fed Khushi too.
" Mumma. Why are you feeding her ?? She might have eaten six times by now " said Arnav.
Khushi looked at him narrowing her eyes and said " I won't eat six times a day"
" As if we all don't know how foodie you are " teased Arnav " Waise Mumma your little Khushi had grown up. Talking big big words"
" I am always like this only.. Very matured" said Khushi.
" Oh.. That is why you were quarrelling with Payal yesterday for a one rupee chocolate..Where did your maturity went then ?? " asked Arnav.
Khushi left from there stomping her foot.
"Why do you always tease her chote ??"asked Ratna
" It is a fun to tease her mumma.. A good time pass for me.. H r face is adorable when her red nose gets red with anger" said Arnav.
The next day, Shashi made Avinash understood and agree for Arnav's studies in Harvard..
" Really Papa!! You agreed" asked Arnav..
" Haan Chote.. I am sorry for hurting you" said Avinash.
" Papa !! Plz don't apologize me" said Arnav" I know you love me and worried for me how I will adjust in unknown country"
" Yeah.. But you are a grown up boy and I have full trust on my son.. He will take every decision wisely and one day he will make me proud by his success.." said Avinash proudly.
" I will papa.. Thank you for trusting me" said Arnav.
" But I have a condition" said Ratna.
Everyone looked at her..
" What is it Maa ??"asked Arnav.
" Promise me that you come back here and settle here with us after your studies are over" said Ratna.
" Ofcourse Mamma. I will settle here only.. How can I leave you all ?? I can't live without your mumma.. Already this six years is going to be hell for me with out seeing you" said Arnav hugging his mother..
" I too can't live without seeing you Chote" said Ratna crying..
" Uffo Ratna.. Stop Crying.. See this six years will go in a wink and your chote will be back to you.. " said Nani..
Arnav then went to Shashi uncle and hugged him..
"Thank you Uncle for making papa agree" said Arnav..
" It's ok my boy.. I know Avinash was worried to send you but he never comes between your dreams.. After all any parents want their children's happiness only" said Shashi.

Second Love and Marriage 2 (Completed)
FanfictionHe betrayed, hurted the people who love him most and now he is in need of them.. Will he get his happiness back ??