Part 21

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Part 21

In the restaurant:

Their coffee was brought and both were sipping their coffee when a girl came and sat at their table.. A guy too came behind her and occupied the other seat.

" Baby.. Why are n't you understanding my point ??'said the guy. The girl looked away angrily.

" Why are you soo stubborn ??'asked the guy.

" Ohh now it is me who is stubborn.. fine" said the girl " It is you who is not understanding me"

Arnav and Khushi are just looking at them..The guy looked at Arnav and then said " Sir, you only say what is right ?? We both are in love from past three years. I promised her that I will marry her. But see now she is stubborn.. She wanted me to marry now.. I still din't settled in my life.. I am asking her to wait for two years so that I will be settled but she is too stubborn to hear anything."

Then the girl, " I am not understanding.. It is you Rahul.. ( then turning to Arnav ).. Sir, My parents are looking matches for me.. Everyday they will show me a guy's photo and asking for my opinion..How on the earth I am supposed to be cool ?? I am asking Rahul to come and talk with my parents but he is not willing. What should I do now ?? I really doubt that whether he have intentions to marry me or not"

" You are doubting on my love" asked the Rahul.

" Then what I am supposed to do" said the girl.

" Hmm... Rahul, I think you should talk to her parents once and make them understand" said Arnav..

" Mam. What would you say ??'asked Rahul turning to Khushi.

" I don't believe neither in love nor in marriage.. Both are just crap" said Khushi and left from there..

While Rahul and the girl were surprised Arnav was dumbfounded.. Khushi said she won't believe in love and marriage.. The girl whose sole aim from childhood is to be loved and get married is saying love and marriage as crap.

" Why ??" thought Arnav

" Don't you know the answer" his conscience mocked him..

"Shall we leave ??'asked Khushi bringing him out of his thoughts.. Arnav came out of his thoughts and they both started off to Delhi..

While travelling in the car, Arnav looked at Khushi who is looking out of the window.. He was lost in the past.

Flashback starts:

" Arnav..Plz I too will come with you" Khushi is pleading him..

" No way.." said Arnav moving into the house..

Today is Lavanya's birthday.. So, both Raizadas and Guptas assembled in RM for dinner.. Arnav came to India from Harvard for his vacation..

" What happened ?? " asked Avinash..

" Papa.. I am going to my friend Arun's elder sister Ananya di's marriage tomorrow " said Arnav.

" Where is the marriage ??"asked Avinash..

" In Naintal.. I am starting early morning" said Arnav..

" What is the problem now ??'asked Avinash..

" Khushi wants to come with me" said Arnav..

" What the.. Khushi what will you do in chote's friend's sister marriage ??'asked Ratna.

Second Love and Marriage 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now