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Natsumi: "Shippo, you have a dare with Inuyasha"

Shippo: "Huh? With Inuyasha?"

Natsumi: "Yup! And, I'm also helping you out with this since you're still just a kid"

Inuyasha: "What's the dare anyway?"

Natsumi: "Shippo has to turn you into a child"

Inuyasha: "Wait what?... Oh no! I ain't gonna let you do that you-"

Natsumi: *turns Inuyasha into a child when he was speaking*

Child Inuyasha: "- sick and twisted girl!" *sounded like a whiny kid and was so cute*

Jakotsu: "Ahh!! His so cute!" *cuddles Inuyasha*

Inuyasha: "Ah!" *squirms in jakotsu's grasp but fell down and quickly hide*

Natsumi: *giggles* "Taisho, look at your youngest"

InuTaisho: *went to the living room and saw Inuyasha hiding behind a vase and picks him up* "My son?"

Everyone: *nods adoring the cute Inuyasha*

InuTaisho: "His cute!" *almost squealed*

Sesshomaru: *comes out of the bathroom* "What is going on he-" *sees Inuyasha*

Natsumi: "Sesshomaru isn't he just cute?" *smiles*

Inuyasha: *gulps scared knowing Sesshomaru beat me up in a pulp at this age* "Uh oh.."

Sesshomaru: *growls and shifted into an average dog and chased Inuyasha around until Inuyasha got somewhere high that I can't reach, starts barking madly at Inuyasha*

InuTaisho: "I should've known"

Everyone: "Eh?"

InuTaisho: "I've been keeping secrets of Sesshomaru's unusual behavior and this it his 16th secret.. he doesn't like anyone cuter than him"

Kagome: "Are you serious!?"

Rin: "If Sesshomaru-sama doesn't like anyone cuter than him, why does he keep me around?"

InuTaisho: "It doesn't effect humans or fox demons.. But, it does effect on other demons and half demons" *feeling really ashamed*

Natsumi: *shifts into my pup form and go to Sesshomaru and barked at him*

Sesshomaru: *sees Natsumi and growled low and bit her on the fur gently taking her to the couch and started licking her fur*

Sango: "Wait, I thought that's what a mother dog does?"

InuTaisho: "Secret 23.. He has motherly instincts in this form"

Kouga: "Just how many secrets does he even have?"

InuTaisho: "about 500"

Everyone: "that's a lot"

InuTaisho: "His mother is even worst than him, she's got like over 600"

Miroku: "Seriously?"

InuTaisho: "Yes.. But, what surprises me the most is that Sesshomaru's number 1 secret is.. He can't cry"

Jaken: "Lord Sesshomaru can't cry from his very nature"

InuTaisho: "Everyone cries imp even when he was still just an infant.. he did not cry, since the day he was born"

Bankotsu: "So, he seriously has a lot of  unusual behaviors"

InuTaisho: "Yes.. Even his emotionless expression is just a habit, but his smirking is always troublesome it always means he would do something mischievous and it's his secret number 2"

Everyone: "I see" *stares at Sesshomaru who was paying attention to Natsumi*

Dared by AnimeLover347

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