Chapter 1: Tequila, Slushies, and Fake ID's

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Side note: Picture above is of Lovers Point Park, a park that is popular where I live


I turn on my phone to check the time only to have it read 1:15 AM, Sunday, July 9th, 2018 this caused my eyes to widen in realization.

"Crap, its way past the time mom and dad wanted for me to be home I lied and said we were going to the movies and I'd be home by 11." I slurred nervously

"Fuck, I... I too..." Vance slowly slurred. "Do... do you think... maybe we should... home now like re-re... responsible children?" He asked in his drunken state. We looked at each other seriously for a minute before we burst out laughing like toddlers.

"Ahahaha, that was a good one Vance." I managed to get out in between laughs

"Bri we... we are so getting murdered when we go home." Vance got out in between laughs, his tall frame was bent down on its knees dying of laughter.

"Fuck it, we're moving out next month its not like they can still ground us!" I added

It took us three minutes until we calmed down enough to stand up off the dirty gas station floor.

Our friends Karma, and Linden were busy laughing and joking amongst themselves near the door to notice us on the ground drunkenly laughing. Jackson and Lucas are at the cash register paying for our food already immune to Vance and I acting like the childish drunks we are.

We headed outside once Jackson and Lucas were done paying for their nachos, slushies, and a few bottles of Tequila; Jackson used his fake ID for when the cashier carded them.

We all gathered in the parking lot waiting for Jackson to unlock his 2013 Land Rover LR2. Jackson and Linden sat in the front, leaving the rest of us to pile in the back. Vance, Karma and I quickly sat in the car claiming our seats leaving poor Lucas one of two choices sit on someone's lap or sit in the trunk of Jackson's car.

Lucas stood near the driver's side contemplating what to choose with a look of annoyance on his face, until finally Vance patted his lap and jokingly said, "Come to daddy!" 

Causing us to erupt in a fit of childish giggles and Lucas to give us an even more annoyed look until he suddenly had a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

 "Gladly," Lucas responded with a grin, he then proceeded to heave his body on top of all three of our laps, earning him a collection of protest and groaning from us. 

"Oh god Lucas you weigh as much as a beached whale, I can't feel my legs." I half-joked through a grimace.

"And you're my Beach, get it." Lucas retorted with his lame dad joke.

"Why does Linden always get to sit in the passenger seat, Jackie?" Karma complained

"Because she's my girlfriend, and if I want to keep it that way I'm not going to make her sit in the back sandwiched in between all of you." Jackson stated in a 'duh' tone. This caused Lucas to exclaim, "Dude, you are so whipped."

"Am not"

"Yes you are"

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Am not"

"Are too, Are ToooOOOO"

"Not, Not, NoooooOOOOT"

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