Chapter 3: Give me Five Dollars and I might consider it

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6:00 AM, Sunday, July 9th, 2018

After finishing breakfast Jackson started to drive us all home. It was still dark out but you could see the faintest rays of the sun turning the sky a hazy blue.

Our first stop was Karma's house she lived a few streets away from us. When we pulled up to her house she quietly got off the car after thanking us. We stayed a few minutes to make sure she got in safe. We saw her sneak into her yard, climb up onto her roof, wave bye to us then climb into her open window.

Next was our neighborhood; when I say our, I mean Linden, Lucas, and I. The three of us are childhood friends who grew up right next door from each other. By the time we reached our street, Linden was crashed out in the front passenger seat and Vance was crashed out in the middle of Luke and me.

Jack parked the car in front of Luke and Lin's house, got off and carried a sleeping Linden inside her home. Leaving Luke and me to decide where to carry Vance; my house or Luke's house? 

We figured it'd be easier to just carry him up to my room to give Lin and Jack some space from a hungover Vance. As I got off the car dragging Vance by his legs, I wasn't prepared for Luke to shove Vance causing us to watch as his body was flung towards me. My attempts at keeping us standing were futile, Vance and I ended up falling to the sidewalk. 

"Oooff, get him off me," I cried out from under a snoring Vance; I ended up sandwiched between a sleeping Vance and cold damp sidewalk.

"Oh fuck, my bad", Luke exclaimed quickly getting off the car and pulling Vance off me, then slinging Vance's body over his shoulder.

"Thanks, I'll go open the door," I said while looking at my driveway and noticing my parents car missing from its usual spot. Huh, that's strange they usually don't go out this early something must have come up. I'll just ask my brother Scott if he knows anything.

After swinging the front door wide open Luke and I were greeted by a dark quite living room. We slowly made our way upstairs, went through the hall and into my room. Luke then saw this as an opportunity to heave Vance's body like a sack of potatoes onto my bed causing a loud thud and a sleepy grunt to escape Vance's mouth.

We only looked at each other before quietly giggling.

"What the fuck was that?" a sleepy voice asked from behind us, causing Luke and me to jump then turn to find my younger brother Scott standing at my doorway looking groggy-eyed and confused. I say younger although Scott and I are only a year apart in age; He's also a foot taller than me, which he loves pointing out whenever he gets the chance.

"Morning man, sorry didn't mean to wake you", Luke apologized before trying to head out the door. Keyword Tried. Scott raised his arm out blocking Luke's escape before asking; "Are you barely getting home?"

 Then quickly stealing a glance at a sleeping Vance on my bed; "Drunk, at six in the morning?"

Suddenly all sleep disappeared from my brother's face, only to be replaced with a look that can only be described as Satan. That's when I knew I was fucked, he was either going to blackmail me or rat on me to mom and dad. 

"What do you want Scott", I asked annoyed already knowing what my dear brother was about to say next.

"Well, Mom and Dad would certainly not approve of their Seventeen-year-old daughter running all over town partying with her friends until dawn. Then come home with two boys; one of which is clearly intoxicated and sleeping in said, daughter's bed. Imagine what they would do if they were to find out...", The evil little shit that is my brother asked.

Shit, he's right they would kill me. It's bad enough I am hungover, but add on coming home past 6 AM. 

"But I'd be willing to keep quiet and ensure mother and father dearest don't find out if you were willing to make a generous donation?"

"Ok, how much do you want?" I asked my brother already expecting him to ask for a bribe.

"Give me five dollars and I might consider it". He vaguely answered, but before I could reach into my bag. "Each, including Luke and dear old unconscious Vance there." He pointed.

This little shit, he was going to extort me for $15 dollars. Which isn't really much, but still he was extorting me his own sister.

"How about a Twenty and you don't consider but accept to stay silent," Luke chimed in; pulling out his wallet and handing a twenty-dollar bill over to Scott.

"Pleasure doing business," Scott said before turning around and walking back to his room.

"You didn't have to do that Luke, I'm sorry he's such a Brat!" I screamed that last part loud enough for Scott to hear.

"Don't worry about it, you were about to do the same for me. Plus what kind of guy would I be if I can't help out a damsel in distress." Luke jokingly added accompanied by a playful wink.

"Thank you, I'll pay you back."

"Your welcome, not in cash tho. I'll hit you up when I need a favor soon. Well, I should be going now, you should get some sleep. Call me if you need any help with Vance, Good night." He quickly said all in one sentence before walking out of my room. 

"ok thanks, good night..." I whispered hiding my warm face beneath my dark tangled messy hair.

Not even a minute later my brother Scott was standing outside my door again. "You guys should just date already, it's so frustrating just watching you both interact. The tension just makes me want to scream, 'tell each other you're in love with each other' or 'kiss already' do something" he pointed out for the hundredth time like he always does when he sees me with Luke.

"Scott shut up, I don't even know what you're talking about". But I knew exactly what he meant, I was just too afraid to ruin my friendship with Luke and Linden. If we went out what if it ended up not working out, what if it turned out we were better at being friends instead of lovers? If we broke up, would Linden still be my friend? or would all my friends turn against me? or Luke, would he hate me? So many 'what if's' not enough certainty.

"Mnhhhm, ok" Scott hummed somewhat irritated.

"By the way where is Mom and Dad, I didn't see their car parked in the driveway?" I was curious to know where they went.

"Did you forget already? Mom and Dad offered to drive the Hartz to the airport so they wouldn't need to call a taxi."

"Ohh right, I remember them offering to drive them and even look after their house while they were away for their two-week family vacation to Spain."





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