Chapter 2: Just because I like dick, doesn't mean I can't find her hot

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Pic above of the booth they all sit at

4:11 AM the clock on Jackson's dashboard read. I pulled out my phone wondering why I hadn't gotten any text or phone calls from my parents to be home or even a text from my younger brother mocking me about being in big trouble when I got home. I found this strange at first but quickly brushed it off as them not having noticed I wasn't home yet.

The six of us got out of Jacksons car singing 'Something Just Like This by Coldplay and The Chainsmokers, Vance had started playing the song on his phone and got us all to sing it with him but since none us can sing we sounded like a chorus of off-key seagulls, that only seemed to encourage us to start singing louder until we were all dying of laughter at our horrible singing.

We walked into the empty, warmly lit Denny's and sat at the biggest booth we could find.

We found a large booth with red leather seats that could seat all of us, Linden, Karma, and I sat on the side of the table with the booth while Jack, Luke, and Vance sat on the opposite side of the table in the chairs.

The waitress arrived at our table a few minutes later with the menus, there weren't any people in the dinner other than three waiters, the cook and us.

"H-hello everyone my names Serena, and I'll be your waitress today here are your menus, let me know when you want to order ok." The shy petite redhead waitress said while handing us seven large laminated menus, she walked away never looking up from the ground until she got to the counter where the other two waiters were.

"Aww, she's shy that's so cute" Linden whispered so only we could hear

"Or maybe she heard us singing in the parking lot like a bunch of crazy weirdos and is to freaked out to make eye contact" Jackson replied with an arched eyebrow.

"Nah, guys she's just in shock after being graced with the beauty that is my face," Lucas smirked

"More like she was petrified by it, and couldn't get away fast enough," I added with a grin, this caused Luke to flip me the bird.

"Shh, guys she's coming back," Karma said giving Jackson, Linden, Lucas and I pointed looks.

"Hey, sorry I forgot to ask what would you like to drink?" Serena said with a shy smile

"Coffee," We all said in unison, starting to feel the ghastly after-effects of our tequila laced slushies.

"Hey, Serena can I borrow your phone?" Vance asked sounding concerned, this caused us all to look at him questioningly.

"Um, what?" Serena asked confused

"I need to call god and tell him I found his missing angel" Vance said while winking at Serena, this caused her to blush, and look at anywhere else that wasn't Vance's direction.

"Um, I'm going to go... go get the co... coffee now...." Serena said while awkwardly walking away, we watched her as she made her way behind the counter and the two other waiters started to talk to her in hushed tones while giggling and stealing glances at our booth mainly looking at Vance who was sitting at the booth grinning like an idiot.

"Dude, you have a boyfriend quit hitting on our waitress" Karma and I both told Vance in amusement

"Just because I like dick doesn't mean I can't find her hot, plus I am a free independent woman no man owns me," Vance said in a matter of fact tone, we all looked at him for a solid minute before we lost it.

"I seriously can't with you sometimes V," I said through a fit of giggles

"Vance you better hope Marcus doesn't find out you said that," Jackson said reminding us how easily jealous Vance's boyfriend Mark can be.

"Oh no, we wouldn't want that happening now would we?" Vance said sarcastically

"I'd hate to anger daddy," Vance added with a wink.

This caused us to lose our shit, and Jackson to give Vance a 'don't come crying to me' look

"Vance, why do you become such a flirty, sarcastic little shit every time we get drunk?" Lucas joked.

"Because I'm a motherfucken goddess", Vance answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I thought you said you were a dolphin, and your people needed you back at the beach?" We joked

"Shhh, my child a goddess chooses what they want to be." Vance countered while dramatically putting his hand up, to shush those who were sitting across from him.

Serena and one of the waiters from behind the counter; who had a playful smile on his face quietly came back to our table each holding a tray with a coffee pot and empty coffee mugs. They both poured coffee in them handing each of us a mug. Once we all had a full mug Serena pulled out a small notepad and pen from the apron tied to her slim waist.

"Are you all ready to order?" Serena asked

"Yeah, I'll have the All American grand slam," Jackson ordered

"Me too." Both Luke and Vance chimed in, Serena wrote their orders down then turned to us waiting for us to tell her our orders.

"I'll have the Belgian waffle slam, and so will she," Linden told Serena while pointing at Karma who was happily smiling at the fact that Linden remembered her favorite food Waffles. As usual, I picked my favorite, "I'll have the French toast slam," 

"Ok, I'll bring your food over in a bit," Serena said before walking back to the counter to give the cook our orders.

We waited twenty minutes for our food, and it felt like an eternity. Thankfully the wait was all worth it, as soon as the food was on the table we thanked Serena and dug into the delicious food.

"Omg, I want to marry food this is so delicious," Vance stated with a mouthful of pancakes, we all agreed with grunts and moans of satisfaction while stuffing our faces with more food.





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