Chapter Two Part Two Caleb's POV

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"You need to find your mate." My dad said to me bluntly. "Go to different packs and Justin can take over as Alpha role when you are gone, Hell I will if you need me to but I can not stand you being Alpha mateless. It makes our pack weak, with out a true Luna we can not have that motherly aspect and eventually our pack will just be war, war, and more war."

"Are you saying that I can not run this pack?" I questioned my father, not liking the way he has been speaking to me. I was the alpha now not him, I was sick of him micro managing me. Ever since Justin came back with his mate my mother has been nagging at me to get my mate, and now I guess my father.

"You have been great but you need a Luna, I understand how you are feeling. Before I met your mother I thought I was the best leader ever, I thought I could take down any pack I wanted to. Your mother, being the woman she is, brought me down a peg or two. I realized that I had to form alliances and not just burn all my bridges for power."

I huffed at that.

"I am not you." I began to rant before I heard soft footsteps coming into the kitchen. I looked up and saw and unfamiliar woman come into the room, my father seemed to know her though. My father is a strong alpha but I have never seen him look so afraid, and this woman was bringing it out in him. I took a deep breath about to laugh and I choked on the air.

MATE GO TO MATE DUMBASS my wolf screamed at me. Karma was biting me in the ass, wasn't I just talking about how I did not want a mate. I tuned out of the conversation as I fought with my wolf. He wanted to claim her, I wanted to wait. All notions of not wanting a mate were out the window when I saw this Goddess. She was talking to my father but all I could look at were her soft lips as they talked.

I finally snapped out of it when I saw Jamie wrap his arm around her, usually when a man touches someones mate your wolf freaks out.

But Jamie is gay.

No threat.

I tuned back in when I saw my brother and her talking,

"It's beautiful." He said to her, and she blushed. SHE BLUSHED AT HIM

I growled and before I knew what I was doing I yelled MINE.

I ran up to her and grabbed her around her waist rubbing my nose on her neck.

Tingles is all I felt.

Well until I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. That feisty little mate of mine just elbowed me in the gut.

"Ow?" I said confused, I was an alpha so I didn't feel that mundane pain of a weak human.

I looked down to see my tiny mate, glaring? Why would she be glaring at me. She pried my hand off of her, gave a dirty look to everyone in the room.

"When I come back I demand answers." She said stiffly. My father nodded almost meekly, with a huff she grabbed Jamie's wrist and dragging him out of the room.

Well that was something.

"Why are you afraid of a simple human female?" I questioned my dad and younger brother.

My brother blushed while my dad almost deflated.

"It all began on a foggy day"

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